Mindset and Guidance
Test Taking
Middle School
Facts about Renna

Name two examples of a typically successful studying environment.

Good lighting, decluttered space, desk or other clear flat surface, writing utensils, charged computer, planner or checklist, all homework or studying materials available


Name the two types of mindsets we reviewed this year.

Fixed and growth mindset.


Why is it important to read directions on a test?

It's important because you need to know exactly what's being asked of you! 


Who is the English and Humanities teacher?



How many siblings does Renna have?

2 older brothers

You are given a list of tasks you must complete by the end of this week. What is a recommended way to ensure everything is completed?

Create a checklist based on when assignments are due + which are easiest/hardest to complete, use an hour-by-hour schedule, use your planner


You have a math test next week and you are feeling under prepared. Who can you ask for guidance and support? Name at least three people in and/or outside of school

Teachers, Renna, tutor, parents, adult at home, other students, siblings


What should you do if you come to a confusing question on a test?

Mark it and come back to it later.


Who is the Math and Science teacher this year and who will return as the teacher next year?

Mike and Sophie


Where did Renna work before BHMS?



You have a test tomorrow morning. What are two things you can do to ensure you are physically and mentally ready (not counting studying)?

Lots of sleep, nutritional snacks and meals, less phone time than normal, meditate, exercise, find ways to relax.


Name three ways to cope with stress.

Deep breathing, writing down your thoughts, talking to someone, EFT tapping (different spots on your face), exercise, read, listen to music, watch something, spend time with friends.


Name two strategies when answering a multiple choice question.

Underline key words, cross out answers that don't make sense, star answers that might be correct, leave question if it's challenging and come back later.


Explain what Erdkinder is and who teaches the class.

Erdkinder means "children of the Earth." It's a class meant to prepare students to be citizens of the world and often includes hands-on projects. Anthony teaches the class.


What is Renna's favorite dessert?

A warm chocolate chip cookie!

Name two materials you should bring to a test.

Sharpened pencil, water bottle, calculator (if allowed), snack (if allowed), something to do after the test is over


There are two ways you can feel stress: mental and physical. Name ways you might feel both forms of stress (two for each, four total).

Physical: racing heart, headache, nausea, back pain, holding breath, teeth grinding. 

Mental: depression/low mood, crying, burn out, argumentative, brain fog


You are given a writing prompt on a test to write a paragraph. Name one strategy you could use before you write your paragraph.

Brain dump all information, write an outline, underline key information in prompt.


Which classes do 7th and 8th graders take together?

Selectives, MCP, Science, Erdkinder, and Humanities.


In which county did Renna grow up?

Westchester County


Your locker is completely disorganized. There are piles of papers in there from October, a half-eaten apple, tests that were supposed to be signed by an adult months ago, current works and homework, your planner, and a half finished Gatorade. What are steps you can take to clean out your locker without throwing everything away?

Take out everything, go through each paper and decide if you still need it, turn in any important work and complete unfinished work, ask a teacher or friend for guidance and support, throw away garbage, maybe consider buying a shelf to help your organization.


Name the meaning of each letter in the S.M.A.R.T. goals acronym

Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timely or time-bound

You find out there is a reading group test next week. Name two questions you should ask your teacher to help you prepare for the test.

When is the test? How is the test formatted? How long is the test? How much time will we be given? Is this a closed-book or open-book test? What types of questions will be on the test? Will spelling count? How will the test be scored?


What is solo time? What is the purpose of solo time?

Solo time is a 20 minute period after recess. This is a time for each middle school teacher and student to sit silently and reset before the afternoon classes. Students and teachers often draw, read, meditate, complete a puzzle, or complete another quiet activity.


What is the exact date of Renna's wedding?

September 22, 2024
