Two people working together can solve a problem better than one person alone
What are three adjectives to describe a student who is not helping in a group project?
apathetic, careless, dull, inattentive, indifferent, lackadaisical, lethargic, passive, sleepy, tired, incommunicative
When you have graduated college, you have a college _____.
True or false, public schools cost about $10,000 per year.
Name three Czech universities.
Charles University, Masaryk University, Czech Technical University in Prague, Palacký University Olomouc, University of South Bohemia České Budějovice
Information that is known by many people.
What is a "controversial" issue?
the subject of intense public argument, disagreement, or disapproval; contentious, disputed, dubious, polarizing
To successfully complete or receive an adequate score on a test
to pass an exam
What are three things that American high schoolers need to submit in their application to university?
resume, transcripts, essays, letters of recommendation, SAT or ACT scores, AP scores, interviews (sometimes)
Why would a person study abroad? Give three reasons.
learn a new language, make new friends, see the world, experience another culture, expand your network, gain a global perspective
Know something very well. Be an expert, or be well acquainted with something
Know something backwards and forwards
What does it mean if a school is "prestigious"?
has a high reputation; honored; esteemed
What is the process of gathering information from various sources, analyzing and evaluating that information, and drawing conclusions?
carrying out or conducting research
Name three American universities.
UCLA, Santa Clara University, Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, and Yale University.
Name three places a group of students might gather together to work on a project.
Library, cafe, classroom, house...
Ask questions of someone to learn more about a subject that he knows better than you
Pick someone's brain
Use three adjectives to describe this teacher...
frustrated, uptight, strict, unyielding, unaccepting, judgmental, critical, angry, jealous, envious, petty.
What is awarded to students who graduate from High School?
high school diploma
What are more challenging courses that students can choose to take called?
Honors or Advanced Placement (AP)
Why might a group of students go to a museum on a school field trip? Give three reasons.
Perspective change, newfound understanding of historical events, teach critical thinking and empathy, to see artifacts or art pieces in person
Struggling to remember or think of something.
Racking your brain; drawing a blank
What are some synonyms of "hardworking"?
diligent, ambitious, persistent, driven, tenacious, committed, industrious, relentless
Waiting until the last minute and trying to “stuff” your brain with all the information at once.
cramming for a test; procrastinating
What do students stand up and recite at the beginning of every school day from kindergarten to high school?
Stay up late working hard on something. Often used by students.
Burning the midnight oil; pulling an all-nighter