a string of words in a poem, not necessarily a full sentence or phrase
a figure of speech that uses the word like or as to compare two seemingly unlike things
personal connections that the reader makes between a text and his or her own thoughts, feelings, and experiences
text to self connections
a story, real or imagined, consisting of connected events
the order or pattern a writer uses to organize information
text structure
the repetition of the same or similar sounds in a poem
a figure of speech that compares two seemingly unlike things but implies a comparison instead of stating it directly with the word like or as
connections that the reader makes between a text and ideas in other texts he or she has read
text to text connections
the sequence of events that take place in a work of literature
a text structure that presents a problem or series of problems with suggestions on how to solve them
problem and solution text structure
the basic unit of a poem, made up of a series of lines
a figure of speech in which an animal, an object, a force of nature, or an idea is given human form or qualities
larger connections that the reader makes between a text and his or her knowledge of history, current events, and how the world works
text to world connections
the main problem or struggle in a work of literature
a text structure that explains how or why something happened
cause and effect text structure
the organization of words and lines as well as the rhyme and meter of a poem
poetic structure
If your brains were dynamite, there wouldn't be enough to blow your hat off.
I count 14 lines in this poem. I think it is likely a sonnet like the ones written by William Shakespeare.
text to text connection
a moment when the series of events in a plot suddenly changes
turning point
a text structure that explains similarities and differences between two or more things
compare and contrast text structure
the particular set of rules guiding the arrangement of words and lines in a poem
poetic form
The essay bled red ink under the teacher’s pen.
The setting is described as the “Soviet Union.” I know that this is an old term for Russia and some of its neighboring countries. The story must be set in the past.
text to world connection
the final outcome of the story’s conflict
a text structure in which events or steps are presented in the order in which they have taken place
sequential text structure