Strike back go excited get them out of your way
Sol Badguy
Weeb watches japan blow up, continues to be a weeb, claims south africa
Chipp Zanuff
Bald doctor gets patient killed, becomes serial killer, is ashamed, puts bag on head, becomes silly, is ashamed, becomes freaky
Anji Mito
5 year old has a flag as a weapon and constantly eats stuff (ky's son)
Sin Kiske
Catholic lightning boy (shotoiest shoto of all time)
Ky Kiske
Big black vampire hates technology and kills people with a sword
Cheeseburger epic cool
Goldlewis Dickinson
That Man
Asuka R# (Kreutz)
Spanish man sacrifices sight to claim power over shadow after his crush did it and the shadow was too strong for him (i once had some sweeet memoriiieees)
Witch can really shred (and tear apart reality)
Clone of sol's wife that sol decides to marry and not kill occasionally (the one with the pose)
Jack-O Valentine
Reddit downvote romeo the yapper who is always asleep dies on his bed which follows it's prime directive to protect dumb little girl reddit upvote
british man stops time and warps around
Man decides to be Woman
Clone of sol's wife has bare feet and big swords
A guy who took 10 years to find the answer to something and forgot about it in 2 seconds
Happy Chaos
SUPER COOL pirate samurai cowboy who adopts orphans just to be a distant father figure to them
Big black man frees slaves on the independant flying state of zepp
King is worse than other king, gets all his people killed, says bastards a lot
Leo Whitefang
Police officer with ghost dog
Gay nonbinary icon is also the grim reaper and fights alongside crows and freaky succubi
Elphelt Valentine