Which character is 5 years old?
Cottage Cheese
Which episode did Cottage Cheese first appear in?
Season 2 Episode 3: Cottage Cheese's Diner
What class is Fast Nachos in Ricardo World?
What was Mongolian Grill's catchphrase in "Mongolian Grill and the Stolen Virginia"?
"Nope, not here!"
Name a food Mongolian Grill (the character) is associated with.
Mango (Season 1), Instant Noodles (Stolen Virginia), World Famous BBQ (Grillcraft), Meatloaf (FNaFood World)
Who guards the Gates of Hell?
Fluffy Fries and Jerome
Name an episode that takes place entirely at my old house.
Deltagrill, Grill's Please, Mi Goreng's Mansion, Grillcraft
Which chapter of FNaFood World 2 is currently stuck in development hell?
Chapter 3
What did Cottage Cheese say on the mountain in the Nether?
How many children does the Evil Space Giraffe have custody over?
Five (Mongolian Grill, Fruit Salad, Cottage Cheese, Koopa, and Lollipop).
Who is Mongolian Grill's teacher?
Hello Kitty
How many videos does Season 3 currently have?
16 (Including Deltagrill: BIG SHOT and Weird Route Ending).
How many days are planned to be in the (not) upcoming Doki Doki: Grill Club demo?
What are the lyrics to Fruit Salad's Fruit Smoothie Gaming?
"A bear with a top hat and a bowtie. Welcome to Fruit Salad's Fruit Smoothie Gaming. Ǒ̷̪̈̑Ā̸͉Á̸̝̖̈͑."
Which released episode does "FEEEESH STICKS" first appear in?
Mongolian Grill's Pizzeria Simulator
What is the name of Toy Bonnie's FNaFood counterpart?
Tom Yum Soup
What were the episode numbers of the two "Fruit Salad's Fruit Smoothies" episodes?
Episode 2014 and Episode 2017
What year did FNaFood World release?
What did Mongolian Grill say when approaching the card game in the acid tunnel in Deltagrill Chapter 2?
"Uno? Flip? What kind of off brand Uno is this?"
Who has voiced Mi Goreng before in the past?
TheFuriousLucario, namless, and ArmedIdiot (S3 E1)
Name three of the inmates in the prison from "Mongolian Grill and the Stolen Virginia".
Gay Knuckles, Yosh, Fire Mario, and Banana
How many trailers did Mongolian Grill and the Stolen Virginia receive?
Six trailers
Five (Deltagrill, Grill Night Funkin', Grill Battle, Afternoon Shift at Mongolian Grill's, and FNaFood CLUE).
"This is a... this is a kidnapping! I'M NAPPING A KID! I'M A NAPPING A KID!"
Which released episodes has Pickled Peppers appeared in?
Grillcraft and Ooglees Among Us