What is it called when the first sound or whole word is said 2-3 times?
What do we call it when you slow down your words?
Turtle Talk
Name a famous Athlete who stutter.
(football)Darren Sproles
(basketball)Kenyon martin
What body part do you use to make the T sound?
What is it called when your mouth is open and nothing comes out?
What is it called when you soften where your tongue or lips touch?
Light contacts
Name a famous singer who stutters.
Ed Sheeran
What body part do you use to make the M sound?
What s it called when you stretch a sound out for a period of time?
What is it called when you start slow and ease into a word?
Easy onset
Name a famous actress who stutters.
Emily Blunt
What body part is used for breathing?
What is it called when you add a word such as (like, um, and)?
What is it called when you purposely lengthen the sounds of a word?
Stretchy Speech
Name a famous actor from Star Wars who stutters.
James Earl Jones
What body part sends messages to the nerves to make your other body parts work?
What's it called when you use many words to avoid a trget word?
Why do we need to make sure we have a full breath before we talk?
So we don't run out of air while speaking
Name a famous Politician who stutters
King George, Barrack Obama, Joe Biden
How can you control your emotions to get through uncomfortable events?
Give your brain a positive message about your self.