Stuttering Facts
Types of Stuttering
Speech Challenges
Famous People who Stutter
These are 4 parts of the body that work together to help a person speak.
What is lips, teeth, tongue, vocal cords, lungs, and/or brain.
This is a type of stuttering when no noise comes out.
What is a block?
This is a strategy where you stop after every few words to slow down your rate of speech and increase clarity (how well you're understood). This is something a lot of public speakers use like President Obama.
What is pausing?
This is one speech challenge a person who stutters can do to make sure stuttering doesn't get in the way at school.
What is practicing raising hand in front of the class, asking a question in front of the class and or/ practicing presentations (answers may vary).
The football player who stutters and plays for the Eagles. He also starred in NFL Characters Unite documentary, where he discussed his struggles with being a person who stutters.
Who is Darren Sproles
The number of people who stutter in the United States.
What is approximately 3 million people?
A type of stutter characterized by repeating a sound or word.
What is a repetition?
This a strategy that you use when you stutter on a word and then pause, find where the tension is, release the tension and say the word again.
What are cancellations?
This is something I do to get stuttering out in the open in the beginning and make sure the person doesn't jump to the wrong conclusions about my speech.
What is advertising stuttering (telling someone I stutter)?
This is a person who works along side the President of the United States and is a person who stutters.
Who is Vice President Joe Biden?
Which gender is more likely to stutter into adulthood?
What is males?
This is a type of stuttering that causes you to stretch or elongate a sound or syllable of a word.
What is prolongation?
This is a strategy that helps you release tension while you're in the middle of a stuttering moment.
What are pull outs?
This is an organization that helps kids who stutter meet other kids who stutter.
What is FRIENDS or National Stuttering Association?
She was an actress and model known for her blonde hair and beauty. She once was married to Joe DiMaggio, the famous baseball player. She died in 1962.
Who is Maryilyn Monroe
This is a common myth concerning what causes stuttering which is not true. (It may be a trigger, but not a cause!)
What is a nervousness/guilty?
This is something some people who stutter do to mask or power through a stuttering moment. It is also something fluent speakers use when they are trying to think of a word or formulate their thought.
What are fillers/interjections/um's?
This is a strategy that requires you to release your breath and tension at the beginning of a sentence (whether or not you think you will stutter).
What are easy onsets?
This is something you can do to get stuttering out in the open or get used to the feeling of stuttering. It's when you purposely stutter.
What is voluntary stuttering/fake stuttering?
This is a famous person who stutters and is the voice of Darth Vader.
Who is James Earl Jones?
This is thought to be one factor that contributes to stuttering (hint: there are a number of factors that contribute to stuttering).
What is genetics and the brain, speech/language skills, environment and personal factors?
This is the term used to refer to behaviors that occur with stuttering that can be either learned habits or ways to avoid stuttering moments (ex. eye blinking, head nodding).
What are secondary behaviors?
This is a strategy that requires you to release tension and ease on to word that you anticipate you will stutter on.
What are prep sets?
This is something some people who stutter do to learn strategies to manage stuttering and make sure that it doesn't have a negative impact on your life!
What is speech therapy?
This is a famous person who stutters who was a King during WWII. The movie "The King's Speech" was based on his life.
Who is King George VI?