On June 10, 2021 stygionyx uploaded their first video "6/10/2021 T-rex raid/ Birthday raid" and on that day they uploaded another video. What is that video called.
What it's like to do a rex raid in the mountains.
What was the name of the event that only had epics?
Epic occasion
I'm the first of my kind, I hate my species and was considered "Too ugly". What am I?
Scorpios rex
Ludia releases these every Sunday
Event calanders
Rat isn't the rat
Why did stygionyx restart in jwa?
To have a challenge
How many takedowns do you need to do per tournament?
I'm patchy from walking with dinosaurs but Pachyrinosaurs aren't with me. What am I?
These kind of calanders are only found on the forums and they explain the most important thing to every alliance.
Tournament calanders
2 super rare Super hybrids from Jwa
Monostegotops and spinotahsuches
What alliance is stygionyx in?
What was the 2020 April fools joke in jwa?
Strat has rat, which is what I am. What am I?
Click the calander in raids to find these calanders.
Raid calanders
Diplocaulus + Irritator
What creature was dubbed king of nullification?
When was the last 5 week tournament?
August 2021
Demonic and cool, glowey and red. What am I
What is the only Rarity that has never been in an event calander?
The one thing people want form JWTG to Jwa
How did stygionyx get Skoonasaurus
Alliance championship rewards
What was the first dinosaur of the day?
Triceratops gen 2
Hard as a rock, slow and steady. What am I?
When did the first event calander come out.
July 2018
Super hybrid gen 2 from Jwa
Indoraptor gen 2