The quiz is so soon. (5)
________________ (?)
I want a good grade. (5)
(Answer vary) must have a total of 7 syllables
Poems with no consistent meter, rhythm, or rhyme
What is Free Verse?
What are syllables?
One word is the topic of the poem.
What is an acrostic poem?
MLA is the abbreviation.
What is Modern Language Association?
My sister keeps stealing my sock.
She ties it to the end of our dock.
Instead of a flag.
She tied them to a rock.
(Answers will vary) Last word must rhyme with flag.
Poems created from a source.
What is a found poem?
In a Cinquain poem line 3 contains 3 of these.
What are 3 verbs ending in -ing?
a Japanese style of poetry.
MLA must use this font.
What is Times New Romans?
Happy, hungry
a time for family
A form of poetry that is typically written with a specific rhyme scheme.
What is a Traditional Poem?
Most Haiku poems have a certain topic.
What is nature?
No structured rhythm or rhyme scheme and is in a shape.
What is a Concrete poem?
MLA must use a certain size font.
What is 12 pt. font?
Black, white, striped
tiny, round eyes
Answers will vary. What is a free verse poem?
The pattern of rhyme established in a stanza or poem.
What is Rhyme Scheme?
An AABBA pattern.
What are 5 lines in a limerick?
A poem of 5 lines; with strict structure.
What is a cinquain?
There is a blank line after each line of text.
What is double spacing?
B- ook
L- ove
Answers will vary.
The topic is written down the page and words are used that connect with that topic.
What is an Acrostic?
A group of lines in a poem that act like a paragraph.
What is a stanza?
Generally a silly or funny poem.
What is a limerick?
A MLA heading contains these 4 specific items.
What are the Name, Teacher's Name, Course Name, and Date?