I'm a new flavor and can only be found online
What is Raspberry Rally?
Heated over a campfire, I am gooey and good
What are s'mores?
The most popular girl scout cookie.
What are Thin mints?
Items earned based on your cookie selling success
What are cookie rewards?
Two ways we can accept payment for cookies from a customer.
What is, cash, check or credit card?
I am a gluten free cookie.
What is Toffee Tastic?
Delicious vanilla cookie topped with caramel, sprinkled with toasted coconut, and laced with chocolatey stripes.
What are Samoas?
The founder of Girl Scouts
Juliette Gordon Low
One way to sell cookies safely
What is: go with an adult, never go inside houses or cars, sell during daylight, don't sell to strangers online, don't use your last name, don't give out your address?
These cookies sell for $5. List at least 5.
Adventurefuls Trefoils
Samoas Lemon ups
Tagalongs Thin Mints
Do Si Dos Raspberry Rally
This is the only cookie that contains both caramel and coconut.
What is a Samoa?
Name the two Girl Scout Cookies that feature peanut butter.
What are Do Si Dos and Tagalongs?
The year the first girl scout cookies were sold
One way you can boost your online sales
What is send emails, post a video, use social media?
Operation Taste of Home
What is the program to donate cookies to the military, local food banks and local first responders?
I have peanut butter and chocolate.
What is a Tagalong?
Oatmeal cookie sandwich with peanut butter inside.
What is Do-Si-Do?
The third best selling girl scout cookie, delicious blend of chocolate and peanut butter
What are Tagalongs?
The date our cookie season closes
What is March 12?
These cookies sell for $6, name two
What are Smores and Toffee Tastics?
This simple cookie could be used for making pie crust and also be served if you were going to have tea with The Queen.
What is Trefoils?
This tart cookie flavor has positive messages printed on the front
What are Lemon Ups?
The only time Girl Scouts did not sell cookies was during WWII when there was a shortage of goods. They sold this instead.
Virtual girl scout money earned that you can use in the girl scout shop or to pay for camp and programs
What is Cookie Dough?
The app used for online cookie sales.
What is Digital Cookie?