This artifact is an instrument made of wood and goatskin and spun between hands.
What is a Spin Drum?
People in Kenya mainly eat this, a combination of corn mill and boiling water.
What is Ugali?
This language is very common in Africa, and around the world. You're probably using it now!
What is English?
This country in East Africa is home to Mount Kilimanjaro, one of the tallest mountains in the world.
What is Kenya?
The Bamboo flute is also known as this.
What is a lela?
The Finger Piano, or this, has 22-28 keys and is traditional in Zimbabwe.
What is a Kelimba?
In Nigeria, you will find a soup that is very spicy.
What is Pepper Soup?
This language, mainly spoken in East Africa, is the official of the Bantu tribe.
What is Swahili?
This country is in Southern Africa and is near Botswana and South Africa.
What is Zimbabwe?
The Akan people originated in this country, near where the Wooden Afro Comb was found.
What is Ghana?
This tool that the Akans used has 5 long teeth and usually helped on bad hair days.
What is a Wooden Afro Comb?
In Zimbabwe, there is a food that we eat to, mainly for breakfast. Most famous in Goldilocks.
What is porridge?
This language, spoken in Cameroon, is also found in west Europe, where its origin country is.
What is French?
This country is in West Africa near a country with a similar name.
What is Nigeria?
Pepper Soup contains this meat. This animal has caused many memes with songs.
What is a goat?
This instrument is ceremonial and is made of bamboo.
What is a bamboo flute?
In Cameroon, people will eat a woody root called this.
What is Cassava?
In Zimbabwe, one language is also a Bantu language, and has a Latin script.
What is Shonda?
In Central Africa, this country can be found near Congo.
What is Cameroon?
Mount Kilimanjaro is this type of mountain. (This is due to Continental Oceanic convergence) ;p
What is a Volcano?