What is the subject in the following sentence?
My sister likes loud music.
My sister
What is the predicate in the following sentence?
The dog smells like mud.
smells like mud
What is the following group of words a subject or a predicate?
ran down the sidewalk.
What's missing?
Has two little sisters and one baby brother
What does Ms. Hevrdejs drink very morning?
What is the subject in the following sentence?
The candy is juicy, sweet, and delicious.
The candy
What is the predicate in the following sentence?
My sister is at home all day today.
is at home all day today.
Subject or Predicate? Simple or Compound?
Simple predicate
What's missing?
A lot of people in my class.
How many planets are in our solar system?
Identify the simple subject:
The old man limped around the park with his dog.
Identify the simple predicate:
The zoo near their house has scary white polar bears.
Subject or Predicate? Simple or Compound?
The houses, buildings, and roads
Compound Subject
What is the subject and predicate in the following sentence?
A bee flew through the open window.
subject-- A bee
predicate-- flew through the open window
Name a mammal that cannot jump.
Elephant, sloth, hippo, rhino
Identify the compound subject:
Teachers, students, and parents at OSG enjoy Ms. Islam's company.
Teachers, students, and parents.
Identify the compound predicate:
Marcell ate dinner then went home to watch a movie.
ate dinner then went home to watch a movie
Subject or Predicate? Simple or Compound?
chased the mouse and caught it.
Compound predicate
What is the subject and predicate in the following sentence?
My dad's super old phone has a funny ring tone.
subject-- My dad's super old phone
predicate-- has a funny ring tone
What color is at the top of the rainbow?
Define "subject"
The subject is the first part of the sentence. It tells us who or what is performing the action. It also tells us who or what the sentence is about.
Define "predicate"
It is the part of the sentence that tells us what the subject is, or what the subject does. The predicate always contains a verb.
Compound predicates are usually joined by what?
Conjunctions such as:
and, but, or, then
What's Missing?
James, Michael, and Devin are brothers.
During a thunderstorm, which comes first - thunder or lightening?
Both. They occur at approximately the same time. However, if we’re at a distance from a storm, we see lightning before we hear thunder because light travels much faster than sound.