What is 49
He killed Alexander Hamilton
who is Arron Burr
the true primary colors
what is cyan, magenta, and yellow
what is to make something suitable for a new use
The medium of paint that uses the most water
what is watercolor
what is 3
supposedly chopped down the cherry tree
who is George Washington
a food that is called a nut but is not a nut
what is a peanut
what is to have plenty of something
the section in a band that contains a tuba, the trumpet, and the trumbone
what is 9.6
the founder of the Mongolian empire
who is Genghis Khan
the ideal amout of sleep.
what is trick question, it is different for everyone
Mozart's full name.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
what is x=4
the year the Mayan calendar ended
when is 2012
how long it takes the average person to fall asleep
what is 6-9 minutes
what is no longer useful
the country in which Ballet originated
Where is Italy
what is x= -1
the decade in which Einstein died
lucky charms originally made of
what is circus peanuts and Cheerios
what is to tease someone of something unachievable
the decade in which Pablo Picasso died
when is the 70's