¿Cómo se dice ¨to want¨ en español?
What is "querer?
Poner (ud.) in the subjunctive
What is "Ponga"?
Bailar (ud.) in the subjunctive
What is "baile"?
tocar (uds.) in the subjunctive
What is "toquen"?
¿Cómo se dice ¨to suggest¨ en español?
What is "sugerir¨?
Tener (nosotros) in the subjunctive
What is "tengamos"?
cruzar (tú) in the subjunctive
What is "cruces"?
¿Cómo se dice ¨to recommend¨ en español?
What is "recomendar¨?
Hacer (tú) in the subjunctive
What is "hagas" in Spanish?
haber (yo) in the subjunctive
What is "haya"?
ser (you all) in the subjunctive
What is "ustedes sean"?
jugar (nosotros) in the subjnctive
What is "juguemos"?
¿Cómo se dice ¨to insist¨ en español?
What is "Insistir".
Decir (yo) in the subjunctive
What is "diga" in Spanish?
escribir (nosotros) in the subjunctive
What is "escribamos"?
estar (ellos) in the subjunctive
What is "ellos estén"?
sacar (ellos) in the subjunctive
What is "ellos saquen"?
¿Cómo se dice ¨to hope." en español?
What is "esperar¨
Salir (ellos) in the subjunctive
What is "salgan"?
comer (uds.) in the subjunctive
What is "coman"?
saber (nosotros) in the subjunctive
What is "sepamos"?
pagar (yo) in the subjunctive
What is "pague"?