Subpoena 1
Subpoena 2
Subpoena 3
Subpoena 4
Subpoena 5

What tool should you use to look up all accounts someone was/is associated with for subpoenas?

Legal Subpoena Member Search Power App Tool


Name two ways to find a converted account number (Hint: Symitar and AppX)

Use the @ Symbol when typing in an account number on Symitar.

Look for the account conversion document under the signature card folder in AppX.


When a subpoena asks for "Any and all documents and account records" what do you supply?

Signature Card


Any and All Objection


What template document do you generate on Safari when you've redacted a document as part of a subpoena response?

Privilege Log


Name two objection reasons that lead to redacted documents. (Hint: The objection type not document type)

Out of Scope



When a subpoena asks for an "agreement" what could be interpreted as an agreement and supplied as part of a subpoena response?

Membership Agreement aka Signature Card

Loan Agreement

Certificate of Deposit Agreements


What symitar trick can you use to find an account using a card number?

Put "^" before the card number in the search bar. Example ^1234568913556555


If a subpoena asks for "any and all documents". What should you be looking for before you supply the standard docs and objection?

A definitions section to see if they defined "documents" 


What is the Utah Search Warrant response timeframe?

10 Days


What is the response timeframe for a civil subpoena?

14 days or the date they provided if they give longer than 14 days.


What communication types would be included if the subpoena asked for the following?

"Please supply all documents, including communication documents




What communication types would be included if the subpoena asked for the following?

"Please supply all communication between Mountain America and X"



Recorded Calls


Who should a Utah grand jury response be sent to?

The grand jury coordinator 

The subpoena asks for "Statements from January 1, 2022 to current date". 

It is January 9th and your response will be sent out by the 15th of January. Do you supply current transaction history from January 1-15th?

No. They did not ask for "transactions" or "current month history." Since our statements generally do not generate until the 5th of the following month, we would only give the statements that had generated to the date of our response.


When do you supply SARs for a subpoena response?

Only if it is a criminal subpoena and only if they specifically ask for SARs.


What is the maximum amount of cancelled check images you can pull at one time and what do you do if you exceed that amount in the response results?

200 images can be displayed at a time. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and notate the date of the last check clearing. Adjust your search timeframe on transact to that date forward.


Name at least 2 document types that should be redacted from a loan application, most commonly seen in a mortgage application and CRE loan application.

Internal Notes/Communication

Underwriting documentation


What would you supply if you are asked for the following?

"Please supply documents or notes regarding reports of fraud and any investigations."

Internal Notes that are Fraud specific on Symitar

Fraud Affidavits in Application Xtender

Fraud Team internal case notes (Quavo/Intellinx)


What are document types that you have to search both the converted account number and existing account number?

Cashiers Checks

Cancelled Checks


Tax Forms


***Occasionally Signature Cards


What is the difference between Alkami and Alacriti for Digital Banking Documents?

Alacriti is for quick loan payments from external financial account or card payments. 

Alkami is for digital banking done on our primary banking system and will show our digital banking transaction details such as online initiated ACH info and IP


On business account documents, what does a resolution show compared to the authorized signer cards?

A resolution will give the parent company information including the equity owners of the company.

The authorized signature card will show the personal information of those individuals authorized to sign and transact on behalf of the business.

All of these are part of the "signature card" for a business account, including removal of signers, change of equity ownership documentation.


If a subpoena is asking for account records only and you notice it is an employee account, do you treat this an an HR subpoena or a standard subpoena?

Standard subpoena. HR subpoenas are ones that are asking for employment records such as payslips, performance reviews, internal communications including instant messages by that employee, etc.

HR subpoenas should be routed through Justin for assignment to maintain extra confidentiality. Shane or Jonathan typically review the responses prior to them being sent out.


A law enforcement officer calls asking for more records, such as cancelled checks and video footage. Their warrant asked for account transaction history only. What is their next step?

Serve a new warrant with the additional items specifically requested.


Which team is responsible for communicating the procedures for getting video to a member or investigator that does not have a subpoena or warrant?



What does Visa DPS show that a statement does not?

Which card make which transactions. The timeframe is limited though on how far back Visa DPS will go.
