What is a sign of substance abuse?
What are bloodshot eyes, sudden weight loss, interrupted sleep patterns, change in complexion, and poor personal hygiene?
Why do teens use drugs when they know they can cause harm?
What is, peer pressure, self medication, escape, performance improvement, experimentation, to feel grown up?
When somebody spreads awareness of a health topic.
What is advocacy?
This is when someone uses something to either make themselves feel better or to feel in control.
What is substance abuse?
This is something that helps people stop using a substance.
What is treatment?
When a friend influences you to take a substance.
What is, peer pressure.
To spread advocacy in the streets you can ___
What is, giving posters.
This type of drug is something that people can get illegally or over the counter with a prescription.
What are opioids?
This group is a treatment option to help people with substance abuse.
What is a support group?
Ways someone can prevent substance abuse disorder.
What is, mental rehabilitation.
When somebody takes a substance due mental conflict.
What is, internal influence?
What does it mean to spread advocacy everywhere?
What is, giving everyone the information the need to help a certain illness?
This drug is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine
What is fentanyl?
What is a treatment for substance abuse?
What is substance abuse disorder.
A treatable mental disorder that affects a person's brain and behavior.
When someone takes a substance due to physical conflict.
What is, external influence?
I can help awareness about this illness with ____
What is, advocacy.
This drug is something that a person can grow in their own home.
What is marijuana?
A place where you go to attempt to become sober from a substance.
What is, rehab?
This thing is something from someone's childhood that can increase their likely hood of getting substance abuse disorder.
What is, neglect from a guardian?
When someone takes substances to enhance their skills.
What is, self-medication.
Where can I put flyers about an illness to help spread awareness?
What is, through town.
What are fentanyl, marijuana, and opioids?
This treatment requires that you be without a substance under observation.
What is Withdrawl therapy?