Ethyl alcohol
What kind of alcohol is used in beer, wine and liquor?
When someone including you thinks its out of hand.
When should you get help with addiction?
an aerosol
What do E-cigarettes produce?
dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the plant Cannabis sativa
What is marijuana?
Mary Jane, pot, weed
What are some street names for marijuana?
How do you make ethyl alcohol?
What is a widely used treatment for addiction?
Is a E-cigarette better than a cigarette?
Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia
Where is marijuana legal?
Made from coca plants
what is cocaine made from?
5-10 minutes
how long does it take alcohol to enter your blood stream?
alcohol, drugs, gambling
What kinds of addictions do rehab centers treat?
cinnamon and cherry
What are the two worst flavors for you?
Smoked, Eaten, Drank, Pill, Other edibles, Vaporized
How is marijuana used?
type of drink, How quickly its drunk, Amount of food in stomach, Body weight/build, Mental/emotional state, Surroundings
What affects alcohol´s influence on your body?
What level of alcohol in your body impairs your judgement?
30 days-forever
How long does it take to overcome an addiction?
by consumption not inhalation
How should your body take in Propylene glycol?
Used in treating pain, nausea, vomiting, epilepsy, anxiety, seizures
What is medical marijuana used for?
Made prom poppies
What is opium made from?
What is the possible cost of your first DUI?
Can everybody get help with addictions?
Through targeted marketing and fun flavors
How do E-cigarettes and vape companies reach young people?
9% of users
How many marijuana users become addicts?
They start at 13
What is the average age that people start experimenting with drugs?