What age group is alcohol most common in?
Alcohol is the most common drug used among all age groups.
What parts of a vape allow it to function?
The battery and the coil.
What plant does Marijuana come from?
Cannabis sativa
What are on of the most commonly abused prescription drugs?
Amphetamines, Vicodin, cough medicine, Benzodiazepines, and Oxycontin.
What are the long-term effects of alcohol abuse?
Cirrhosis and brain shrinkage.
What ingredient is found in beer, wine, and liquor?
What year was exposure to nicotine and e-cigs at its ultimate high?
What are some street names for Marijuana?
Ganja, dope, Loud, and gas
At what ages is the misuse of prescription drugs highest among?
Misuse of prescription drugs is highest among young adults ages 18 to 25.
What effect does long-term vape/e-cig usage have on your body?
Long-term vape/e-cig usage often leads to 'popcorn lungs' which can also lead to lung cancer.
What is fermentation?
Fermentation is a process where yeast converts fruit, sugar, and grains into Ethyl alcohol.
How many flavors of nicotine are there?
How many states have legalized Marijuana for recreational use?
11 States
How do most people consume prescription drugs when they are misusing them?
With certain drugs, you can take them by mouth and still get the intended effect but most times people snort or inject the ground-up substance.
What effect does Marijuana have on an adolescent's brain?
It disrupts the brains development
How long does it take for alcohol to absorb into your bloodstream?
5-10 Minutes
What percentage of smokers start before the age of 18?
How many chemicals does Marijuana contain?
How much money does Vicodin sell on the street?
A single pill costs around $5 on the street.
What does long-term prescription drug abuse often lead to?
Organ failure
What does 100-proof mean when it is labeled on an alcohol bottle?
It means the bottle contains 50% alcohol.
What two ingredients do cinnamon flavors contain?
Cinnamaldehyde and 2-mexothoxycinnamaldehyde
What are four different ways you can consume Marijuana?
You can consume Marijuana by food, drink, taking a pill, or vaporization.
What is the penalty for selling prescription drugs?
You could face 2-4 years in county jail and be fined $20,000.
What is the average cost for a DWI/DUI?