What is the legal age to vape?
Twenty one
What is another word for marijuana?
Which organ is affected the most while drinking?
The liver
What is a peer?
Someone your age
What is intoxicated associate with?
Smoking, drinking, drugs
What makes vapes addicting?
Define the word drug
Anything you put in your body that changes you emotionally, socially, or physically
Drinking a lot of alcohol at one time can lead to a ____
What is peer pressure?
to be pushed into something because of the influence of people your own age
Name 2 different types of alcohol
Wine, Beer, Rum, Whiskey, Vodka, Tequila, Congac
Name three physical consequences that smoking has on your body.
Rotting or yellow teeth, Cancer, Black Lungs, Heart Attacks, Yellow fingernails
Drugs can cause your heart to ____
Slow down or stop
What is the name of the organization that tries to stop people from drinking and driving?
Mothers Against Drunk Driving
How can smoking hurt you athletically?
Decrease stamina, Stunt growth
What is the main ingredient in cigarettes?
Smoking during pregnancy can cause?
Name two
Early delivery, Mutations, Child addicted to nicotine
T or F: At one point in history, drugs were legal to use. This is called Prohibition
Alcohol gets into the blood stream within a few _____
What is the first step to treating addiction?
Admitting you have an adiction
What is the fastest addicting drug?
One vape is equivalent to ___ cigarettes
What is greening out and what occurs?
Greening out is when someone ingests too much marijuana. It my cause vomiting, dizziness and passing out
What is legally drunk for a person over 21 on a breathalyzer?
.08 or higher
_____ is the pleasure chemical in our brains that plays a major role in substance abuse and addiction
What is legally drunk for a person under 21 on a breathalyzer?
.02 or higher