When drinking too much alcohol and having a period of time that a drinker cannot recall.
What is a Blackout?
• Wheezing
• Chronic bronchitis
• Lung infections from mold (aspergillus)
• Increased risk for lung cancer
What are the Effects of Marijuana on the Lungs?
Of these three options which one is illegal?
Over-the-counter, prescription or street drugs.
What are Street Drugs?
• Distorted perceptions
• Difficulties with thinking (lowers IQ)
• Loss of motor coordination
• Increased heart rate
• Feelings of anxiety or paranoia
• Drowsiness
• Bloodshot eyes
• Increased irritability
What are the Effects of Marijuana on the Brain?
Detoxification and Rehabilitation
What are the ways we treat alcoholism and drug abuse?
The state in which a person’s mental and physical
abilities are impaired by alcohol or another substance
What is Intoxication?
Symptoms include:
• Headaches
• Irritability
• Difficulty sleeping
• Inability to concentrate
• Intense nicotine cravings
What are the Effects of Nicotine Withdrawal?
Slurred speech, blurred vision, depressed respiration, decreased alertness.
What are the Effects of Depressants?
The prominent chemical in tobacco, tobacco products and smokeless tobacco.
What is Nicotine?
• Increases activity level
• Mimics neurotransmitter signals
• Decreases reflexes
• Activates the brain’s “reward
• Damages brain cells
• Addiction
• Stroke
What are the Effects of Tobacco on the Brain?
Butane, Cadium, Ammonia, and Methane are found in what?
What are Cigarettes?
• Stained teeth and tooth decay
• Receding gums
• Bad breath
• Ulcers
• Could lead to mouth cancer
What are the Effects of Smokeless Tobacco?
LSD, Psilocybin, Club Drugs and Inhalants
What are Hallucinogens?
Intentionally using drugs improperly.
What is Drug Abuse?
With regards to drugs if you are unintentionally:
Taking more than what is prescribed
Taken at the wrong time of day or with wrong food
Not taking medicine for period of time
Using alcohol while taking medicine
What is Misusing Drugs?
Where does Dopamine (the happy hormone) travel in the brain?
What is one of the brain's "Reward Pathways"?
• Wheezing, shortness of breath
• Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Disease (COPD)
• Increase of mucus in the lungs
• Damage to alveoli
• Chronic bronchitis
• Emphysema
• Pneumonia
• Asthma
What are the Effects of Smoking on the Lungs?
What type of drug is Alcohol?
What is a Depressant?
• Confusion
• Decreased alertness
• Poor coordination
• Blurred vision
• Drowsiness
What are the possible Effects of Alcohol?
Cancer causing agents are called?
What are Carcinogens?
• People have more money to spend on important things
• Decrease in tobacco-related illnesses
• Decrease early death rate
Society also benefits
What are the benefits to society when people quit smoking?
A product that contains nicotine but not the
other harmful chemicals found in tobacco
What are Nicotine Substitutes such as Nicorette Gum?
What is Marijuana called when used by addicts as a stepping stool to stronger drugs?
What is a Gateway Drug?
• Cold, clammy, pale, or bluish skin (cyanosis)
• Hypothermia
• Slow or irregular breathing (less than 8 times per minute)
• Vomiting while “sleeping”
• Unconsciousness and unresponsive
• Sometimes convulsions
What are the warning signs of Alcohol Poisoning?
May act as a Depressant, Stimulant, or hallucinogen?
What is Marijuana?