Needing an increasing amounts of a substance to achieve the same effect
The ultimate goal of most treatments of substance related disorders (can be summarized in one word).
_______ influences of drug use include and are not limited to: sensitivity to the drug, rate of metabolism, or family genetics/exposure to the drug
How amphetamines stimulate the central nervous system
Enhancing the activity of dopamine & norepinephrine
Barbiturates are specifically what type of depressant
The use of multiple mind- and behavior-altering substances, such as drugs
Polysubstance use
The main drawback of inpatient treatment for substance disorders (as opposed to outpatient care).
The cost
Drug use initiated and continued due to pleasurable effects on the user.
Effects that opioiDrowsiness, slowed breathing, euphoriads induce.
Drowsiness, slowed breathing, euphoria
The percentage of Americans over the age of 12 report being current drinkers of alcohol.
Chemical compounds that alter mood, behavior, or both
Psychoactive substances
The type of therapy that enhances motivation to change
Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET)
Enkephalins & endorphins
Drug and alcohol abuse is characterized into one of the following four categories.
Substance abuse, substance dependency, substance intoxication, and substance withdrawal
The opiate agonist most often given as a substitute for heroin
Continued use of a certain substance can change the way our brains work through a process called ______ - the brain’s tendency to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections.
Prolonged periods of sleep and depression are withdrawal symptoms of this substance
Three examples of impulse control disorders.
intermitten explosive disorder, kleptomania, pyromania, pathological gambling, trichotillomania
The three factors that the experience of intoxication depends on
The drug taken, the amount taken, and the individual biological reaction
This type of sedative drug is sometimes prescribed to help minimize the discomfort of withdrawal from other drugs, such as alcohol.