True or False: it is common for students to skip class due to substance abuse.
True or False: substance abuse can increase the chances of suicide?
Why may students want to experiment with substances?
First time away from home, newfound freedom, curiosity
How can education be used to help?
Teaching students the negative health effects of substance abuse and how they can limit their use.
Can substance use be benefical in helping students manage their grades?
No, it causes the student's grades to slip as well as create an unhealthy addiction
Substance use can cause a student to face legal consequences
Yes, due to multiple reasons such as alcohol and drug violations, damaging property, disturbing the peace, public intoxication, fighting.
How does Greek life play a role?
Constantly partying which consists of a lot of alcohol and drugs. Members are also highly encouraged to use.
How can counseling services be beneficial?
Talking to a professional and receiving advice can help students from further harm.
True or False: Substance abuse helps give students the boost of energy and motivation throughout their day
False, students become fixated on the substance which causes them to lack motivation and avoid their responsibility.
List a few negative effects substances can have on an individual.
Hallucinations, paranoia, increased heart rate, memory loss,
How may peer pressure cause substance abuse?
Wanting to fit in and surrounded by others who heavily use
How can organizations and clubs play a role?
Can help students keep busying and out of trouble and help meet people who do not participate in substance use
Based on appearance, what are some features that indicate substance abuse?
Unexplained weight loss or gain, dark eye circles, pale skin, neglect of basic hygiene, etc.
How may substance abuse impact the student's education?
Failing grades and courses, falling behind, and dropping out.
How is college culture impacting substance abuse?
Drugs and alcohol are widely available at parties and on campus. It is also associated with having "fun" so students are more open to using.
Besides college campuses, how can outside factors be altered to prevent substance abuse?
Local bars put stronger restrictions to prevent underage drinking, emphasize checking IDs at clubs, and put more law enforcement around the town.
Whar are some mental health issues related to substance abuse?
Depression, anxiety, eating disorder, bipolar disorder, antisocial/social anxiety.
What are some harmful acts that students under the influence may impose on others?
Sexual assault, violence, driving under the influence, other unintentional injuries.
How may stress lead to substance abuse?
Students have many responsibilities such as assignments, lectures, clubs/organizations, sports, jobs, maintaining a social life so they may look for something to help them relax.
What kinds of efforts can college campuses make to prevent substance abuse?
implement heftier consequences, have seminars for freshman, promote/ provide campus help