Other Factors

True or False? Some drugs are stored in fat cells and can stay in your system for weeks/months. 

What is true? 

Examples include: marijuana & PCP


The organ that is affected most by alcohol use. 

What is the liver?


Two chemicals found in cigarettes. 

*not tobacco/nicotine

What is formaldehyde (embalming fluid), arsenic (found in rat poison), ammonia (household cleaner), acetone (found in nail polish remover), cadmium and lead (active ingredients in batteries and battery acid), butane and hexamine (found in lighter fluid), carbon monoxide, methanol (main component in rocket fuel), tar, toluene (used to manufacture paint)? There are more than 7,000 chemicals in cigarettes when burned.


If there is a family history of drug or alcohol use, your risk for a substance use disorder is __________.

What is increased?


A type of drug that slows down the body's functions and reactions, including heart and breathing rates. This can lead to slower behavior and thoughts as well. 

What is a depressant?

Examples include: alcohol, opioids (heroin, OxyContin, Fentanyl, etc.), sedatives (Valium, Xanax), etc. 


The definition of a drug. 

What is any substance that causes a change in an organism's physiology or psychology when consumed? 


A glass of beer has the same alcohol content as this.

What is a glass of wine or a shot of liquor?

12 oz. beer = 5 oz. wine = 1.5 oz. shot


Two smoking-related conditions/diseases. 

What is cancer, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, asthma, etc.? 


True or False? When certain drugs are taken together, the effect is greater than simply increasing one of the drugs.

What is true? 

Additive Effect: 1 beer + 1 glass of wine = Will feel like you've had 2 drinks.

Potentiation Effect: 1 beer + 1 valium = Will feel like you've had 3-4 drinks. 


A type of drug that speeds up the body's functions, including heart rate and alertness. At higher doses, these can make people feel tense, agitated, and paranoid. 

What is a stimulant?

Examples include: cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamines, Ritalin, caffeine, nicotine, etc. 


When someone who is addicted to drugs stops taking that substance they experience symptoms such as vomiting, anxiety, restlessness, muscle spasms, etc.; this is called _______. 

What is withdrawal?

Symptoms are usually the opposite of the effect produced by the drug. 

This is often due to the number of neurotransmitters in the body. For example, stimulants increase the number of NTs, so when you stop using them after a long time, the body is depleted of NTs and make take time to start making them again. 

Most withdrawal symptoms are gone within about two weeks. 


It takes this long for alcohol to enter the bloodstream. 

What is 5 to 10 minutes?

Alcohol enters your bloodstream within 5 to 10 minutes of being consumed. It passes from your stomach into your bloodstream and then travels throughout your entire body-affecting nearly every organ system in the body.


Every year in the U.S., more than _________ people die from tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke, making it the _____ leading cause of preventable death in this country. 

What is 480,000; first?


True or False? Continued use of drugs or alcohol can impact brain functioning. 

What is true?

Because substances affect neurotransmitters in the brain, there can be long-term effects of substance use.



A type of drug that primarily affects the user's thinking and senses; the effects of these drugs can be unpredictable and you could have different experiences with the same drug/dosage.

What is a psychedelic or hallucinogenic drug?

Examples include: LSD, ecstasy, PCP, spice, marijuana, etc.

*These can also have similar properties to both stimulants and depressants.


People abuse this over-the-counter substance to get high. It causes weakness, numbness, nausea or vomiting, increased heart rate and blood pressure and brain damage.

What is cough/cold medicine?


What is the 0, 1, 2, 3 low risk drinking plan? 

0: Don't drink at all when underage, pregnant, taking certain medications, or DDing

1: No more than one alcoholic beverage per hour

2: Don't drink more than two nights a week

3: No more than three alcoholic beverages in a day


When equal amounts of marijuana and tobacco are smoked, marijuana deposits _________ tar into the lungs.

What is four times as much?


When someone uses multiple substances. 

What is cross-tolerance, drug switching, or upper-downer cycle? 

Cross-tolerance: Taking two drugs with similar effects that can be substituted for each other. 

Drug switching: Replacing primary drug with a secondary drug that is not cross-tolerant (i.e. different physical effects). 

Upper-downer cycle: Multiple primary/secondary drugs, usually a mix of stimulants and depressants. Because these counteract each other, you may not notice the effects of either which often leads to the user taking higher amounts of both substances, this increase the risks dangerous effects such as overdose. 


Though withdrawing from all drugs can be extremely painful and sickening, for someone addicted to this substance withdrawal could cause death.

What is alcohol?


The two types of drug dependence.

What is physical dependence and psychological dependence?

1. Physical dependence is when someone develops a tolerance for a drug or shows withdrawal symptoms without it. This is due to how the substance changes the balance of neurotransmitters in the body. After prolonged exposure, the body only feels in balance when the drug is being consumed.

2. Psychological dependence is a strong emotional desire to continue using a drug. This is usually influenced by psychological, social, and environmental factors. 


Liver cells that become so damaged they cannot regenerate. An abnormal liver condition in which there is irreversible scarring.

What is cirrhosis of the liver?


True or False? e-Cigarettes (JUULs, vape pens, etc.) do not contain the same harmful chemicals as cigarettes. 

What is false? 

Some of the chemicals in e-cigarettes include: propylene gylcol and diethylene glycol (used to make antifreeze, paint solvent), formaldehyde, acrolein (herbicide primarily used to kill weeds), diacetyl (chemical linked to lung disease called "popcorn lung"), heavy metals (nickel, tin, lead), and benzene (found in car exhaust). 


Three factors that can determine the effects a drug might have on the mind and body. 

1.The way the drug enters the body. 

2.The dose or amount of a drug taken at one time. 

3.The weight, age, and health status of the person. 

4.The emotional state of the person. 

5.Whether the person is taking more than one drug at the same time.


HALT is an acronym that stands for __________.

What is Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired?
