True or false, social media impacts your behavior when it comes to substance abuse.
What is true?
Using humor when refusing the offer of an illegal substance is also called making a _________.
What is a joke?
Street racing, passing when visibility is limited, running red lights, eluding law enforcement and driving 25 miles over the speed limit.
What is reckless driving?
A chronic health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy.
What is diabetes
True or false, teens who regularly use social media are less likely to drink, use drugs, and buy tobacco?
What is false?
Sticking up for yourself in a calm, non-aggressive way.
What is being assertive?
Dozing off while driving, or being sleepy behind the wheel.
What is drowsy driving?
Swelling or tenderness of one or more of your joints.
What is arthritis?
Inaccurate information that can be spread by friends or social media regarding the potential harmful effects of drug and alcohol is also called what?
What is misinformation?
You always have this option if any of the other refusal strategies do not seem to have an affect.
What is leave the situation?
Getting behind the wheel after drinking too much alcohol.
What is drunk driving?
A disease caused when cells divide uncontrollably.
What is cancer
Viewing drug use as a short-term shortcut to happiness.
What is instant gratification?
Standing tall, making eye-contact, and using a firm voice are all examples of ___________?
What is body language?
Driving under the influence of marijuana, opioids, methamphetamines, or any potentially impairing drug.
What is drug-impaired driving?
This disease affects the organ which is responsible for cleaning your blood.
What is Kidney disease?
Deliberately going against authority or parents.
What is rebellion?
In the zoom chat box, use one of the effective refusal skills from the mind map, and type a potential response to the following: "Let's go skip last period and smoke a blunt behind the gym."
Demonstrating any of the the effective refusal skills
Any activity that diverts attention from safe driving.
What is distracted driving?
A viral infection that causes liver inflammation, sometimes leading to serious liver damage.
What is Hepatitis C?