Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)
Life Skills
Interpersonal Communication
Substance Education

This is the creator of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), known for her work in treating borderline personality disorder.

Who is Marsha Linehan?


In CBT for Substance Abuse, this term refers to recognizing situations, thoughts, and feelings that lead to substance use.

What is "Coping Skills" or "Identifying Triggers"?


This term refers to the ability to recognize, interpret, and respond to social cues appropriately.

What is "Social Skills" or "Interpersonal Effectiveness"?


This skill involves the ability to express thoughts, feelings, and needs clearly and respectfully.

What is "Effective Communication" or "Expressing Yourself"?


This is the active ingredient in marijuana that produces the "high" sensation.

What is "THC" or "Tetrahydrocannabinol"?


DBT consists of four modules. Name two of them.

What are Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation, and Distress Tolerance?


This CBT technique for substance abuse involves identifying and challenging irrational beliefs related to substance use.

What is "Cognitive Restructuring" or "Identifying and Changing Thought Patterns"?


In the context of substance abuse recovery, this skill involves setting achievable, realistic goals for oneself.

What is "Goal Setting" or "SMART Goals"?


This aspect of active listening involves reflecting back what the other person has said in your own words.

What is "Paraphrasing" or "Reflective Listening"?


This term refers to the process by which the body becomes accustomed to a substance, requiring higher doses to achieve the same effects.

What is "Tolerance"?


This technique in DBT involves becoming fully aware and present in the current moment, observing without judgment.

This technique in DBT involves becoming fully aware and present in the current moment, observing without judgment.


This skill in CBT for substance abuse focuses on teaching individuals to postpone acting on impulses to use substances.

What is "Delaying Gratification" or "Urge Surfing"?


This coping strategy for substance abuse recovery involves removing oneself from situations or environments that may trigger substance use.

What is "Avoiding Triggers" or "Staying Away from High-Risk Situations"?


This communication skill involves standing up for your rights and expressing your thoughts and feelings in a direct, honest, and respectful way.

What is "Assertiveness" or "Setting Boundaries"?


This dangerous combination of substances can slow breathing and heart rate to dangerous levels, potentially leading to coma or death.

What is "Mixing Opioids and Benzodiazepines"?


One of the skills in DBT's Emotion Regulation module is "Opposite Action." Explain this skill briefly.

What is the practice of acting opposite to the current emotion to reduce its intensity or change its course, often used when an emotion is not effective or is prompting unhelpful behaviors?


In CBT for substance abuse, this strategy involves creating a plan to avoid or cope with high-risk situations.

What is "Relapse Prevention" or "Developing a Sobriety Plan"?


This life skill involves the ability to recognize and manage emotions in a healthy and constructive way.

What is "Emotional Regulation" or "Managing Feelings"?


In the context of substance abuse recovery, this skill involves finding mutually acceptable solutions to disagreements or issues.

What is "Conflict Resolution" or "Negotiating Solutions"?


This symptom of alcohol withdrawal is characterized by hallucinations, confusion, and severe agitation.

What is "Delirium Tremens" or "DTs"?


This principle of DBT refers to the therapist's balance of acceptance and change-oriented strategies in therapy.

What is "Dialectics" or "Synthesis"?


This advanced CBT concept for substance abuse involves individuals rehearsing coping skills and responses to potential triggers.

What is "Role-playing" or "Behavioral Rehearsal"?


This advanced life skill for substance abuse recovery involves the ability to bounce back from setbacks and maintain progress.

What is "Resilience" or "Overcoming Adversity"?


This advanced communication skill involves being aware of non-verbal cues such as body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions.

What is "Reading Non-Verbal Cues" or "Understanding Body Language"?


This term refers to the process of consuming multiple drugs simultaneously, often to enhance the effects of one or more substances.

What is "Polydrug Use" or "Drug Cocktailing"?
