12 Step
Recovery Skills

-You miss your drug or alcohol and you want it now. You can not stop the urge. Even if you know that it is dangerous for your health and can cause Brain and Liver diseases, you just don't care but you want to have it now.  

What is addiction


A group for men and women who have a desire to stop using drugs or alcohol. Ex. NA, AA, CA….etc

What are 12 Step Fellowships?


1)The user 2)Family 3)Children 4)Co-workers 5)Parents 6)Siblings 7)Friends 8)Community

Who are those affected by substance abuse?


•Medication •Behavioral therapy •Groups •Rehab •Inpatient/outpatient •Recreational •Occupational •Medical •Voc. Rehab •prayer. Koran reading. counseling sessions with Imams. traditional healing

What are treatment options


1. People 2. Places 3. Things

What are triggers


Information or an emergency kit to help an individual from using again. This kit could include 12 step information, important phone numbers, healthy recreational activities to participate in, Phone number to Islam religious leaders and Imams, access to Mosque and prayer.

What is a relapse prevention plan


Allah grants me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

What is making a Dua 


1)Lowered inhibitions 2)Decreased control over motor skills 3)Inability to concentrate and focus 4)Addiction 5)Heart attack; stroke 6)Liver failure; cirrhosis 7)Kidney disease 8)Blackouts 9) Isolation 10) becoming an outcast 11) Social exclusion 12) Disobedience to Allah 

What are the consequences of alcoholism


1.Medical doctors 2.Nurses 3.Psychologists 4.Educators 5.Social Workers 6.Occupational Therapists 7.Recreational Therapists 8.Music Therapist 9.Clergy 10. YOU 11. Counselors. 12. Imams 13. Elders 14. Families

What is a treatment team


 _________includes healing from physical, emotional, spiritual,and social harms that Alcoholism had caused for the individual, family, and friends.

What is a Recovery from Alcoholism?


Tobacco/Cigarette smoking is the fastest addicting drug

What is nicotine


Which step asks you to make a searching and fearless moral inventory of your past?

What is step # 4


1.Addiction 2.Respiratory failure 3.Vomiting 4.Death 5.Drowsiness 6.Reduction of pain 7.Diarrhea 8.Very uncomfortable withdrawal

What are effects of pain killers/opiates?


One of the first principles of treating individuals for substance abuse with a commitment to Islam is that the treatment should be extremely______.



Some high-risk situations to avoid are to not let yourself get too hungry, angry, lonely or tired. What can help you remember these circumstances?

What is H.A.L.T.


________________ is the chemical our brain produces that make us happy and relaxed when we use drugs or drink alcohol. 

What is Dopamine


Live and let live, Keep it simple, One day at a time, surrender and let Allah help are examples of.

What are 12 step slogans


Increase in violence and aggression -Addiction -Drug-induced psychosis -Increase in Respiratory problems -Increase in cardiovascular problems -Risk for HIV, HEP C and TB -Damage to physical appearance

What is Methamphetamine/cocaine addiction?


The first treatment that a psychiatrist order for you.   

What is Detoxification?


Our brain learns by ________ and _________.

What are repetition and reward?


The most common overly used drug across the nation

What is Marijuana


Having increased our level of Iman (faith) and Taqwa (God consciousness), through these steps, we pass on this message to humanity and began practicing these principles in all our affairs.

What is 12 steps # 12


Bone marrow damage, liver and kidney damage, blackouts, limb spasms, hearing loss and the loss of brain cells are consequences from abusing what type of drugs?

What are inhalants?


For the best chance of staying sober, what is the MINIMUM length of time a person should stay in treatment?

What is 90 days.


5 skills you have learned in treatment to overcome cravings and triggers

 What is (are) a sponsor, a relapse prevention plan, laughter, service, work, being with family, hobbies, prayers, reading the Koran, talking to Imams, 


5 risk factors that push immigrant youth (Ex. Somalis and Ethiopians) to use drug and Alcohol.

What are Discrimination, Aculturation, Ethnic dislocation, disruption of family tradition, and Economis disparities?  


We sought through Salaat and Iqraa

 to improve our understanding of Taqwa

 and Ihsan.

What is 12 steps # 11


The study of the response of different ethnicities to psychiatric medicines Metabolism, elimination, half-life, medical sensitivity, tolerance, side effects and efficacy

What is Ethnopsychopharmacology.


social class, education, family, legal and social environment as interdependent cultural variables contributes to

What are Personality and behavior? 


A Natural feeling that comes from our moral conscience following a poor choice or a mistake. 

What is Guilt?


A feeling of inadequacy. Feeling like simple mistakes are a sign that you’re defective as a person or that you’re incompetent.

What is Shame?


Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of Allah as we understood Him.

What is 12 step # 3?


The chronic sense of unworthiness and inferiority make you believe that you aren’t worthy of love, respect – or even happiness. You become ashamed of who you are and, as a result, depression, hopelessness, and numbness become chronic.

What is Shame?


Calms nerves, Improves moral, provides psychological satisfaction, brings peace and presene of mind, a restful heart, a peaceful conscience, 

What is Fasting?


The verse that reminds us that we can always change our behavior and ask God to be forgiven.

What is "Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim?


_______pushes you to connect with others in order to repair the wrong, while _______causes you to hid from others in order to minimize the embarrassment you feel.

What is Guilt? what is Shame?


Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with Allah, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of Allah's will for us and the power to carry that out.

What is 12 step # 11


In this month, in the Muslim community, alcohol drinking goes to its lowest level

What is the month of Romadan? 


6 Protective factors from alcohol and drug use for the immigrant youth

What are 1/ Religious belief 2/ Ethnic pride 3/ minimal acculturation 4/ strong family influence 5/ cultural norms stressing abstinence 6/ staying in school?


A process of healing is similar to 

What are Penance and Confession?


When the usage of Alcohol goes beyond a part of controlled ritual or a glass of wine with dinner, it leads to__________

What is Addiction?


Humbly asked Allah to remove our shortcomings.

What is 12 step # 7


_______ and _______Alter the mind and distort the understanding of the plan of Allah in the world and to worship and communicate with Him.

What are Alcohol and intoxicants?


1/ Resistance to Mental health and addiction diagnosis 2/ underrecognition of the consequences of addiction 3/ communication barriers 4/ distrust or unfamiliarity of western medical practice 5/ lack of awareness of available care 6/ lack of culturally competent services.  

What are Treatment barriers?


Whoever works righteousness, Man or Woman, and has Faith, Verily, to him will We give a new life, a life that is good and pure, and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions

” –


Qur’an: 16: 97

What is Qur'an: 16: 97? 


Groups of Muslims who use Alcohol as part of their ritual or see alcohol as being a part of the modern World  

Who are the Shia (the Alevi and Nusayri), Sufi (the Bektashi), and the Modernist groups


In the case of Islam most Muslims view drinking and the taking of intoxicants as

What is Haram?


Muslims are told to avoid Alcohol and Intoxicants, because

What is "The harm is greater than any good?"


It is considered that_______and ______ are the major substances of abuse among Muslim males.

What are Tobacco and Alcohol?


----------isn't about one big change. It's about lots of little changes.

What is recovery?


A desire or a dream you try to achieve in a certain amount of time, no matter the costs, Inshallah!

What is a goal?


Muslim oriented AA meetings are founded on 

What are charity, prayer and fasting?


Muslims are warned not to approach______while drunk. 

What is Prayer?


The ability of a counselor to first recognize and understand his/her own culture and how it influences his relationship with a client, then understand and respond to the client's culture which is different than his own.

What is Cultural competency?


Hungry, Angry Lonley Tired (HALT)?

What is High risk situation?


Three progressively more extreme warnings given to Muslims against Alcohol consumption 

1/don't approach prayer while drunk; 2/ Avoid drinking totally at all times; 3/ Alcohol is made illicit in the Muslim culture   


To admit the inability to overcome the addiction and the need to call on Allah for help.

What is the first step in overcoming alcoholism?


In Hadiths the Prophet Mohammed says that God has cursed everything to do with wine: its _____, ______, ______ and ______

What is production, consumption, transportation, and sale?


Medication, Therapy and Support groups

What is Substance abuse treatment?


To avoid high risk situations you should 

What is Make a list of them and keep it with you?


______and ______ are two factors associated with increased risk of substance abuse among young muslims

What are level of Acculturation and commitment to Islam?


Readings from Surah Asr reminds the believer to be 

What is Patient?


Publicly confessing to an addiction would be seen by some as a rejection of the

What is the entire Muslim tradition?


Muslims will not voluntarily seek professional treatment due to the_______ associated with substance abuse in this group.

What is Stigma?


Two important coping skills for recovery are

What are 1/ the ability to relax and manage stress, and 2/ the ability to change negative thinking.


Instead of the Serenity prayer of the Lord a muslim oriented AA meeting starts with

What is Fatiha?


Muslims on college campuses, might turn to dangerous drinking habits in an attempt to ______, _____, ________and ________

What is fit in, reassure their colleagues, bury their feelings of homesickness and isolation.


_______should be the goal for recovery in substance use disorder treatment which is consistent with the tenants of islam.

What is Abstinence?


--------requires lying while --------requires honesty

What is Addiction and what is Recovery?


Alcohol drinking is forbidden in the Muslim community. Therefore Muslim oriented AA meetings should avoid _______-to protect individuals from being ostracized by the community 

What is Public announcement of Alcoholism?


Research literature indicate that treatment is________ for individuals who voluntarily enter treatment and those who are coerced or forced to enter treatment.



---------, ----------and ------are reasons why people use drugs

What are escape, relax and reward themselves?
