12 Step
Recovery Skills

-Uncontrollable craving for the drug                   -Loss of control, and Use despite negative consequences           

-chronic, biological brain disease                           -Physical dependence

Are examples of what?

What is Addiction


_______ is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, and available almost everywhere. There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about his or her drinking problem.

What is Alcoholics Anonymous?


The User, Family, Children, Co-workers, Parents Siblings, Friends, Community are?

What are those affected by substance abuse?



Residential programs 

Partial hospitalization 

Outpatient and intensive outpatient 

Methadone clinics

What are treatment options


Information to help an individual from using again. This could include 12 step information, important phone numbers, healthy recreational activities to participate in. It also includes identifying high risk situation, triggers, coping skills, and meeting lists.

What is a relapse prevention plan.


________ is the tendency for a person in recovery to look back at their past drug or alcohol abuse in a positive light, often re-experiencing the feelings of the past situation.


What is Euphoric recall

During euphoric recall, a person will only remember the euphoria associated with their drug or alcohol abuse without remembering the suffering and pain of addiction. Euphoric recall can be dangerous, as it causes a person to look back at their drug or alcohol abuse in a positive light, which could potentially contribute to relapse


God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

What is the Serenity Prayer


1)Lowered inhibitions 2)Decreased control over motor skills 3)Inability to concentrate and focus 4)Addiction 5)Heart attack; stroke 6)Liver failure; cirrhosis 7)Kidney disease 8)Blackouts

What are the consequences of alcoholism


List the Stages of Relapse

What is Emotional, Mental, and Physical.


What does the S M A R T stand for in SMART Goals.





T-Time Bound


___________ has not only immediate effects like distorted perception, difficulty problem solving, and loss of motor coordination, but also effects with long-term use such as respiratory infection, impaired memory, and exposure to cancer-causing compounds.

What is Marijuana


Which step asks you to make a searching and fearless moral inventory of your past?

What is step four


1.Addiction 2.Respiratory failure 3.Vomiting 4.Death 5.Drowsiness 6.Reduction of pain 7.Diarrhea 8.Very uncomfortable withdrawal

What are effects of pain killers/opiates


Mental training practice that involves focusing your mind on your experiences (like your own emotions, thoughts, and sensations) in the present moment. “It is simply the act of paying attention to whatever you are experiencing, as you experience it

What is Mindfulness Meditation


Some high-risk situations to avoid are to not let yourself get too hungry, angry, lonely or tired. What can help you remember these circumstances?

What is H.A.L.T.


________________ is the pleasure chemical in our brains that plays a major role in substance abuse and addiction

What is Dopamine


Keep it simple, One day at a time, Let go and let God are examples of what?

What are 12 step slogans


The following problems occur because of what? -Increase in violence and aggression -Addiction -Drug-induced psychosis -Increase in Respiratory problems -Increase in cardiovascular problems -Risk for HIV, HEP C and TB -Damage to physical appearance

What is Methamphetamine/Cocaine addiction


The first stage of treatment

What is Detoxification


Our brain learns by ________ and _________.

What is repetition and reward


At least 5 of the 11 Signs and Symptoms of Addiction?

What is, 

When you use the substance, do you use more of it than you originally planned to use? Do you use it over a longer period of time than you originally planned?

Do you talk or often act like you want to cut down or change your substance use? Have you tried a few times, unsuccessfully, to decrease or stop using?

Do you spend a lot of time getting or using the substance?

Do you have cravings for your substance?  

Has continued or repeated use of your substance caused you to fail to fulfill major obligations at work, school or home?

Do you continue to use your substance despite having ongoing or repeated social or interpersonal problems — problems that are caused or made worse by the effects of the substance?

Have you given up on or reduced your participation in important social, occupational or recreational activities due to using the substance?

Has your recurrent substance use ever lead to situations that are physically risky?

Do you continue to use the substance even though you know it causes ongoing or repeated physical or psychological problems?

Do you need a much higher dose of the substance to get the desired effect? Do you have a markedly reduced effect when you intake your usual dose?

Have you experienced withdrawal? 


The principles of the twelve steps can be broken down into simply these three:

What is 1) Trust your higher power, 2) Clean house, & 3) Help others.


Bone marrow damage, liver and kidney damage, blackouts, limb spasms, hearing loss and the loss of brain cells are consequences from abusing what type of drugs?

What are inhalants?


_______ are the 5 Stages of Change.

What is Pre-Contemplation-No problem is recognized

Contemplation-They have become aware of the greater impact of their addictive behaviors, yet they are uncertain if it is worth the effort to effect change.

Preparation-They set an intention to gather resources, whether it is in the form of therapeutic intervention, 12 step meetings or other sober supports.

Action-In stage four, people take the actual steps to engage in positive mental, emotional and physical change

Maintenance-Individuals have been able to sustain sobriety and change


5 skills you have learned in treatment to overcome cravings and triggers

(this is a question with many answers. Must answer in form of question still). What is (are) mindfulness, abstinence, a sponsor, a relapse prevention plan, laughter, service, work, being with healthy family and friends, hobbies etc.
