•Medication •Behavioral therapy •Groups •Rehab •Inpatient/outpatient •Recreational •Occupational •Medical •Voc. Rehab •Music
What are types of treatment
___________ is the fastest addicting drug
What is Fentanyl
* This health professional helps educate you on healthy, safe activities that you can become involved in. * They also help you integrate healthy activities and coping skills into your daily life
What are therapists
The following problems occur because of what? -Increase in violence and aggression -Addiction -Drug-induced psychosis -Increase in Respiratory problems -Increase in cardiovascular problems -Risk for HIV, HEP C and TB -Damage to physical appearance
What is Methamphetamine/cocaine (stimulant) addiction
For the best chance of staying sober, what is the MINIMUM length of time a person should engage in treatment?
What is 90 days.