What short term negative impacts does Marijuana use have on the body and mind?
What is Inhibition of decision making, reaction times, and loss of coordination. Driving under the influence of Marijuana is never an acceptable decision. Even if you feel fine, impaired reaction times can be fatal. Continuous long-term consumption can lead to difficulty with short-term memory, reduced lung disease related immunities, and loss of enthusiasm in passions.
What is a standard drink?
What is 12 oz. of beer, 5 oz. of wine, 1.5 oz shot of liquor.
Why should you never leave a drink unattended at a party?
You never know what could happen to an unattended drink. Once you put a drink down, do not pick it back up if you have left it unattended.
When does a student receive amnesty when calling SCEMS or Campus Safety?
A student will never be penalized for calling for help for another student, or for receiving medical attention. However, the student who required medical assistance will have a meeting with the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution to discuss the circumstances.
What does vomiting do for someone who is drunk?
What is It is a defense system of the body to prevent the absorption of more alcohol.
What age groups have the highest drug usage?
What is the late teens and early twenties. “In 2013, 22.6 percent of 18- to 20-year-olds reported using an illicit drug in the past month.”
What are some signs/symptoms of alcohol poisoning?
What is vomiting, confusion, seizures, slow/irregular breathing, blue/pale skin, low body temperature, passing out. If this happens to a friend, it is best to call Campus Safety.
What factors effect tolerance to drugs and alcohol?
Age, gender, race, ethnicity, and physical condition (such as weight and fitness level)
Where should a student go for information on drugs and alcohol?
Health Promotions Office
What is the best way to sober someone up?
What is by giving them time. This is actually the only way to sober someone up.
What are perceived to be safer than drugs without a doctor’s prescription?
What is prescription or over the counter drugs. While often regarded as “safer” prescription drugs can be incredibly addictive. They’re more accessible in many cases and in 2010 were tied to 60% of drug overdose deaths.
What exactly are the affects of alcohol?
What is In small doses, some of the short-term effects of alcohol are reduced tension and relaxation. but these are also accompanied by reduced inhibition (your ability to stop yourself from doing something you know you shouldn’t), coordination and reaction - all which put you at risk
What is the number one safety precaution measure you should take, if you choose to take drugs or alcohol?
Make sure you check with the other medications you take and that there are no complications when the medications are mixed, and be aware of possible side effects.
At what point should students call campus safety for help regarding drugs and alcohol?
If concerned for a peer’s safety ALWAYS call. Specifically if any of the following are noticeable: irregular breathing, passing out, seizures, confusion, vomiting, and cold, clammy or pale skin.
What is the percent of alcohol per volume in different drinks?
What is
Beer 2–6% alcohol
Cider 4–8% alcohol
Wine 8–20% alcohol
Tequila 40% alcohol
Rum 40% or more alcohol
Brandy 40% or more alcohol
Gin 40–47% alcohol
Whiskey 40–50% alcohol
Vodka 40–50% alcohol
Liqueurs 15–60% alcohol
When attempting to stop using an addictive substance, what should be avoided?
What is Quitting cold-turkey. Trying to shake an addiction immediately can lead to harsh withdrawal symptoms and can have severe lasting results. When attempting to quit it’s more than okay to seek help in the form of medical attention or support groups, and slowly wean yourself off.
Does alcohol effect people our age?
What is Yes, Every year in the U.S., roughly 5,000 people under the age of 21 die from an alcohol-related incident including car crashes, homicides, suicides, alcohol poisoning and other related injuries.
What is a safety precaution you can take if you are going to binge drink?
Make sure that you stay in groups. You never want to be alone while drinking so that if something goes wrong, someone else is there to make sure that you are okay. Also, so that others can keep an eye out on you.
Where should a student go if they want to talk in groups about a drug or alcohol problem?
The counseling center. The counseling center offers group therapy sessions to students who want to discuss issues that other students are also experiencing.
What is the effect of mixing energy drinks with alcohol?
What is Mixing them together is far more dangerous than drinking either by itself: Caffeine in energy drink acts as a stimulant and boosts the heart rate, while the alcohol acts as a depressant and slows the heart, giving mixed signals to the body and creating dangerous effects.
What can you do to help an addict who has a serious substance abuse issues?
What is Setting up an intervention with family and friends. Substance addiction can be difficult to come to grips with, but you can help those you care about attempt to combat addiction. This should be approached with sensitivity and an understanding that quitting is extremely difficult.
What is the most common reason that people die of drug overdose?
Street drugs might have different purities. Depending on the purity of the drug, the effect can be different although the volume is the same. When consuming drugs, check the purity and know what it will do to your body.
What were fines in the old AOD policy replaced with in the new AOD policy?
Fines were replaced with an educational fee. There is a set fee of $30 (which can be waived if a student cannot afford it) that covers the cost of classes such as BASICS.
Who can a student go to for a peer-to-peer anonymous meeting concerning drugs and alcohol?
The PHE’s are on campus for students who have questions or simply want to talk about any issues concerned with drugs and alcohol, and these conversations remain between the student and that PHE.