What is the main ingredient in cigarettes?
What is the legal drinking age in the US?
Stop smoking cigarettes
what was the original purpose of vapes?
what is the illegal part of weed, that gets taken out when used medically?
Medication, rehab, group therapy, etc.
What are treatment options?
What percent of seniors have tried marijuana?
What is the most common alcoholic beverage in the world?
lie about age, have someone else buy it for them, go to someone who doesn't care about age
How are underage kids getting a hold of e-cigs?
4-8 months
How long does it take a marijuana plant to grow?
First stage of treatment
What is detoxification?
5.4 times more likely than a white person
How likely is a black person to go to jail for marijuana possession or usage?
what part of your body does alcohol affect the most?
What is the smoke that comes from vaping?
25 years old
When does the brain fully develop?
90 days
What is the minimum length someone should stay in treatment for best results?
What is the addictive part in tabacoo?
5-10 minutes, but ti depends on person
How long does it normally take for alcohol to enter someones blood stream?
1 juul pod
How much nic is equal to a pack of cigarettes?
What is a build up over time to a drug or substance so it doesn't affect you as much anymore?
Online, advertisements, walking around the city
What are ways to find treatment centers?
10-20 years
How long could a person in mn go to jail for 10-50 kg of weed?
Alcohol poisoning
What is it called when someone passes out due to alcohol blood level?
How many different types of juice flavors are there?
Mouth, injection, absorption, inhalation
What are ways that drugs can enter the body?
United recovery project
What is one of the top rehab centers in mn?