More than 480,000 people died because of this. It's the highest death in the world.
cigarette smoking
why should marijuana be legal?
medical use for cancer and paitents in pain
what risks are associated with Non-Use
Which type of drug slows down the function of the central nervous system?
Depressants (Downers)
what is an effect of smoking and vaping?
lung damage
How many people die from cancer?
around 10 million people
what are opioids used for (in a hospital setting)?
pain (post-surgical and illness pains)
what percentage of young canadians are using drugs?
67% :(
This drug is based on where it is used. And it actives such as Rohypnol.
Club Drugs
what are the effects of addictive drug use?
teeth can get cavities, mental state is changed (angry and paranoid), becoming dependant on it
what 3 provinces do you think had the highest deaths?
BC, Albeta, Ontario
what are the risks of using addictive drugs?
heart or lung desiese, cancer, and stroke
what does curiousity lead to (in relation to drug use)?
Experimental use
its an exapmle of cocaine, amphetamines (speed), tobacco, caffeine.
what symptoms does withdrawal come with?
craving, sleeping problems, restlessness, and headaches
deaths from opioid overdoses is at ___?__ for 2024?
3,787 deaths
which drug is used as an anaesthetic?
if binge using what is the intention of the user?
To get drunk or High
Its 50-100 times more potent than Morphine. It used to relieve severe pain during and after surgery.
what are 4 reasons we use drugs?
to stay awake, forgeting about past trauma and pain, enhance social experiences (clubs), and increase confidence
How can we prevent dying?
Being a non-smoker, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly
what are benzodiazepines used for?
Its used to help people with sleep disorders, severe anxiety, and seizures
what problems can occur from dependant use?
job loss, relationship ending, and possible health problems
This type of drug can change the way people see, hear, taste, smell or feel. It also affect mood and thought.
How many people are addmitted to the Emergency care a day due to an OD?
about 7 a day in ontario