The words "always" or "never" frequently appear in the sentence. Because you have experience with one event playing out a certain way, you assume that all future events will have the same outcome.
A return to a state of illness after a period of being healthy, “disease-free,” without symptoms, or in a state of remission.
We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable.
Step 1
Malicious burning to destroy property.
Helping an addicted person do things they can or should be doing for themselves; causes disease progression
is also known as black-and-white thinking or polarized thinking. This type of thinking involves viewing things in absolute terms: Situations are always black or white, everything or nothing, good or bad, success or failure.
All-or-Nothing Thinking
Refraining from further drug use.
Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
Step 8
A request to a higher (appellate) court for that court to review and change the decision of a lower court.
These are traits that usually were developed early and served the addict and alcoholic as a means of survival.
Character Defects
is a cognitive distortion that involves ignoring or invalidating good things that have happened to you.
Discounting the Positive
The effort to prove that our behaviors are valid or reasonable (examples include celebrations, boredom or "I've been clean long enough to do it just once."
Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
Step 2
The corrupt payment, receipt, or solicitation of a private favor for official action.
The voluntary use of drugs without experiencing any negative social or legal consequences. Often the first stage in addiction.
is a cognitive distortion that involves making a judgment about yourself or someone else as a person, rather than seeing the behavior as something the person did that doesn't define them as an individual.
The acronym H.A.L.T stands for:
Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired
Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
Step 10
The forging, copying, or imitating of something (usually money) without a right to do so and with the purpose of deceiving or defrauding.
This is a symptom that an alcoholic or addict is still suffering, and has not yet given themselves over to their Higher Power.
exaggerating the importance of shortcomings and problems while minimizing the importance of desirable qualities.
This criminal thinking pattern allows you to blame others for situations you usually created for yourself. You make excuses and point your finger at others, claiming you were the one who was really wronged.
Victim stance
Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
Step 8
Crimes committed electronically
The period of early sobriety, usually for the first three to six months, is typically very happy.
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