Programs patterned after AA
Common Causes for Addiction
Treatment Words
Substance Use Facts


Cocaine Anonymous (CA) is a twelve-step program formed in 1982 for people who seek recovery from drug addiction. It is patterned very closely after Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), although the two groups are unaffiliated. While many CA members have been addicted to cocaine, crack, speed or similar substances, CA accepts all who desire freedom from "cocaine and all other mind-altering substances" as members.


Your friends may encourage you to join them in using drugs.

Peer Pressure


What is a Chronic Relapser?

A chronic relapser is a person who, despite knowing they need to get sober, finds that they habitually relapse. It is definitely not a badge of honor, but it is something that anyone who has experienced relapse can empathize with.


About 95,000 people die because of ______ every year in the US



Peter Gene Hernandez is a famous American Singer. What is his stage name?

Bruno Mars



Overeaters Anonymous (OA) is a twelve-step program founded by Rozanne S.[1] It's first meeting was held in Hollywood, California, USA on January 19, 1960, after Rozanne attended a Gamblers Anonymous meeting and realized that the Twelve Steps could potentially help her with her own addictive behaviors relating to food.


Growing up, living in or working in an _______ of increased exposure to alcohol and drugs can increase the risk of addiction.



_______ ________ are strategies that help people manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in a healthy way. They can be short-term, like deep breathing, or longer-term, like changing your lifestyle.

Coping skills


40 million Americans ages ____ and older have substance problems. Addiction and substance abuse affect more Americans than heart conditions, diabetes or cancer

12 (closest team wins)


Chuck Norris’s first name is actually ______




Workaholics Anonymous (WA) is a twelve-step program founded circa 1983 for people identifying themselves as "powerless over compulsive work, worry, or activity" including, but not limited to, workaholics–including overworkers and those who suffer from unmanageable procrastination or work aversion. Anybody with a desire to stop working compulsively is welcome at a WA meeting.


_____ can be a major influence when it comes to developing an addiction. People can turn to substances to cope with intense feelings of _____.



What is Evidence-based practice (EBP)?

An approach to prevention, treatment, or recovery supported by research evidence


Drug addiction is a chronic disease characterized by drug seeking and use that is compulsive, or difficult to control, despite harmful __________.


What is the worlds oldest sport?

Wrestling-mankind's oldest and most basic form of recreational combat, traces its origins back to the dawn of civilization. Carvings and drawings estimated to be between 15,000 and 20,000 years old, found in caves in southern Europe, illustrate wrestlers in hold and leverage positions.



Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA or ACOA) founded circa 1973 is a fellowship of people who desire to recover from the effects of growing up in an alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional family. ACA membership has few formal requirements. ACA does not accept any outside contributions and is supported entirely by donations from its members. The organization is not related to any particular religion and has no political affiliation.


One of the most common reasons people seek out drugs and alcohol is because of the _____ they've experienced at some point in their life.



________ ________ is when a patient doesn't respond well to the right dosage or duration of medication, or when they don't respond to psychological or medical treatment.

Treatment resistance


Most drugs affect the brain's "reward circuit," causing euphoria as well as flooding it with the chemical messenger ________. A properly functioning reward system motivates a person to repeat behaviors needed to thrive, such as eating and spending time with loved ones. Surges of ______ in the reward circuit cause the reinforcement of pleasurable but unhealthy behaviors like taking drugs, leading people to repeat the behavior again and again.



What continent is the only one that has a piece of land in all four hemispheres?




Debtors Anonymous (DA) is a twelve-step program for people who want to stop incurring unsecured debt. Collectively they attend more than 500 weekly meetings in fifteen countries, according to data released in 2011.[2] Those who compulsively incur unsecured debt are said to be engaged in compulsive borrowing and are known as compulsive debtors.


Genetics, including the impact of one’s environment on gene expression, account for about ___ to ___ of a person’s risk of addiction.

40% to 60%


What is Recovery Capital?

Recovery capital is conceptually linked to natural recovery, solution-focused therapy, strengths-based case management, recovery management, resilience and protective factors, and the ideas of hardiness, wellness, and global health.


Addiction, substance use and abuse are the largest preventable and most costly health problems facing the U.S. today, responsible for more than __% of deaths in the U.S.

20%.  (Closest team wins)


Altogether, there are 429 national park sites in the U.S., though just 63 have the "National Park" designation in their names. The others fall into several categories including National Battlefields, National Historic Sites, National Monuments, National Seashores, and National Recreation Areas.  California has the most with 9.  Can you name at least 3 of them?

Channel Islands National Park, California

Death Valley National Park, California and Nevada

Joshua Tree National Park, California

Kings Canyon National Park, California

Lassen Volcanic National Park, California

Pinnacles National Park, California

Redwood National Park, California

Sequoia National Park, California

Yosemite National Park, California
