What's my motivation?
Who's got skills?
What about drugs?
Use your brain.
Everyone else is doing it.

Being open, trustworthy and truthful.

What is being honest?


This is simply the state of being attentive to and aware of what is taking place in the present moment: a kind of meditation in daily life.

What is mindfulness?


This substance causes impaired thinking, interferes with a user's ability to learn and perform complicated tasks, disrupts balance, coordination and reaction time. Many users also experience a sense of relaxation, altered perception of time, and increased appetite.

What is marijuana?


This part of the brain is closest to your forehead and suppresses socially inappropriate behavior.

What is the frontal lobe?


These are examples of legal or socially acceptable mood-altering substances (name at least 3).

What are caffeine, nicotine, marijuana and alcohol?


This is the stage of change where "You know your destination, and even how to get there, but you are not ready to go yet."

What is the contemplation stage?


This is a coping skill used when someone prefers not to think about or face the issue.

What is avoidance?


This is a transfer of addictions, the exchange of one harmful dependency for another.

What is cross-addiction?


It's made in your brain and acts as a chemical messenger, communicating messages between nerve cells in your brain and your brain and the rest of your body. It plays a role in pleasure, motivation and learning.

What is dopamine?


Life House is a community program that helps youth, between these ages, find a job, counseling, education, housing, health insurance, IDs, birth certificates and navigating community resources.

What are ages 14 to 24?


This is the stage of change where "Change is more visible to others".

What is the Action Stage?


This is what the brain does when using "all or nothing" statements, generalizing, emotional reasoning, using "should" too often, or personalizing events.

What is distorted thinking?


Withdrawal symptoms from this substance include anxiety, shaky hands, headache, nausea, vomiting, insomnia and sweating.

What is alcohol?


Opioids trigger the release of this feel-good transmitter in your brain and muffles the perception of pain and boosts feelings of pleasure, creating a temporary but powerful sense of well-being.

What are endorphins?


This group is a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems.

What is Al-Anon?


"I will reward myself by going to a movie after one week of being sober" is an example of this type of reinforcer.

What is an external reinforcer?


"Everyday in every way I grow stronger and stronger" is an example of this action.

What is a self affirmation?


This is the first medication to treat opioid use disorder (OUD) that can be prescribed or dispensed in physician offices, significantly reducing withdrawal symptoms and cravings.

What is Buprenorphine/Naloxone or Suboxone?


This neurotransmitter contributes to well-being and happiness. It affects mood. Helps sleep cycle and digestive regulations. It is affected by exercise and light exposure.

What is serotonin?


This is someone who is in recovery from a substance use disorder and/or co-occurring mental health disorders, and wants to use their lived experience, provide information, and give emotional support to help others reclaim their lives from addiction. This person can work in both public and private settings, including drug and alcohol recovery programs, community centers, hospitals and telehealth services.

What is a peer recovery specialist?


Fear of the unknown, low motivation, lack of self-confidence, laziness, or poor time management are examples of why people do this.

What is procrastinate?

Taking turns and focusing on different body parts or muscle groups, such as clenching your fists tightly for a count of ten, then releasing them to go limp is this type of relaxation technique.

What is progressive relaxation?


This substance's withdrawal signs and symptoms include fatigue, long periods of sleep, depression, increased appetite, and paranoia. The withdrawal timeline begins a few hours after the last use and can last for up to 2 weeks.

What is Meth?


Opioids and inhalants can lead to decreased oxygen supply to the brain, which is called this.

What is brain or cerebral hypoxia?


Name at least 4 peer recovery support group options in our community.

What are AA, NA, Alano Club, Al-anon, ACOA, Wellbriety, Talking Circles, Celebrate Recovery, Buddhist Recovery, NAMI Support Groups, Health Realization...
