The newest Avengers movie?
What is Endgame?
This is fractured light that you can see on sunny days when it rains and a covenant symbol.
What is a rainbow?
The duration it rained during the flood.
What is 40 days and 40 nights?
This is the name of Star-Lord's ship.
What is Milano?
Another name for Original Sin that happened in Eden.
What is the "the fall?"
The materials Noah used to build the ark
What is cypress (gofer wood) and pitch?
The name of Han Solo's ship.
What is Milennium Falcon?
What Noah did after exiting the ark (Genesis 8.)
Made and altar and gave burnt offerings of clean animals.
The measurement of the ark. (use biblical unit.)
What is 300 cubits by 50 cubits by 30 cubits
Where did Iron Man first face off against Whiplash?
Where is Monaco?
Lord's response and promise after the flood receded. (Starts with, "Never again...")
What are the words, "Never again will I curse the ground... Never again will I destroy all living creatures."
Three commands God gave mankind in Genesis 1:28.
What is: Be Fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, rule over fish, birds & animals.
The composer of the music for Star Wars.
Who is John Williams?
In Genesis 9 "Everything that lives and moves" is given to mankind for food EXCEPT what category?
What is meat (animals) with "lifeblood" in it still? ("you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood ...I will demand an accounting for every animal and human being..." Genesis 9)
Explain the "Seed of Woman" and serpent in Genesis 3:15
Christ shall crush the head of the serpent. Answers vary- class consensus.