Alice had 122 handbags. After cleaning out her closet she has 98 handbags left. How many handbags did Alice throw out?
What is 24.
42 + __ = 53
What is 11.
Natalia earned 8 skittles in her center. Reuben earned 15. How many more skittles did Reuben have than Natalia?
What is 7.
What is 4,767
Round to the nearest ten
What is 80.
Darya had $50.00. She spent $25.00 in the treasure box. How much money does Darya have left?
What is $25.00.
What is 40.
Christian is saving up for a party. He already has $48. The party he wants to have will cost $104. How much more money does Christian need to have his party?
What is $56.
What is 16,409.
Round to the nearest ten
What is 180.
Lucas J. scored 829 points this year. Kaira scored 910 points. About how many more points does Kaira have than Lucas?
What is 100.
What is 306.
Jrue has 203 shirts in his closet. Angel has 390 shirts in his collection. About how many more shirts does Angel have than Jrue?
What is 200.
What is 27,532.
Round to the nearest hundred
What is 200.
Anna had 32 apples. Addisyn had 41 apples. They need a total of 100 apples. How many more apples do they need?
What is 27.
What is 188.
What is 31,547.
Estimate to the nearest hundred and find the sum:
278 =
+ 129 =
What is 400.
Malachi had 112 marbles. He gave 48 marbles to Liliana and 35 marbles to Angel. How many marbles does Malachi have left?
What is 29 marbles.
What is 487.
Isaac had $853. He spent $487 on an iPad, and $215 on games. How much money does Isaac have left?
What is $151.
What is 1,024.
Estimate to the nearest ten and find the sum
178 + 241
What is 420.