Genitive singular form of: puella f
What is puellae?
Translate the verb: laborabant
What is they were working/they used to work?
Translate the command. Use you or y'all to indicate that it's singular or plural.
Look you!
Translate the sentence:
Rufina in Suburā laborabat.
Rufina was working in the Subura.
Vocative plural form of puella, puellae f 1st.
What is puellae?
Genitive plural form of templum, templi n.
What is templorum?
Translate the verb: ascendo
I climb
Translate the command. Use you or y'all to indicate that it's singular or plural.
Noli timere!
Don't fear, you!
Translate the sentence:
Noli lacrimare, domina!
Don't cry, mistress!
Vocative plural form of miles, militis m. 3rd
What is milites?
Accusative plural form of flumen, fluminis n.
What is flumina?
Translate the verb: traximus
We dragged
Translate the command. Use you or y'all to indicate that it's singular or plural.
Nolite movere!
Don't move, y'all!
Translate the sentence:
Incendia in Romā magna erant.
The fires in Rome were huge.
The part of the noun that tells us what to put the endings on.
What is the root/stem/genitive singular/second word?
Nominative plural form of canis, canis m/f
What is canes?
The person of the verb "Vidi" (1st, 2nd, or 3rd)
What is first person/I?
Movē scapham!
Translate the sentence:
Lucrio timuit fumum densum in flumine.
Lucrio feared the dense smoke on the river.
The case of the noun: navem
Ablative singular form of Faustus, Fausti m.
What is Faustō?
The person of the verb "spectabant" (1st, 2nd, or 3rd)
What is 3rd person?
Tell 3 people to be quiet (tacēre).
Translate the sentence:
Faustus popinam et insulam servat
Faustus protects the bar and the apartment building.
The case of the noun: fabulārum
What is the genitive case?