Strategy has you put your hand over your heart and on your belly. Demonstrate strategy
Pause Button
Staff has a kitten room in their house
Ms. Haley
Where is the Success Center cat located?
Cafeteria or auditorium
Zone or zones where you find "sick" and "tired"
Blue zone
If I find myself getting overwhelmed or frustrated I can ask for a_______
Strategy uses all 5 of your senses. Demonstrate strategy
Staff member has a dog named Zeus
Mr. Willie
What is the room number for the check-in room or lunch room?
Zone or zones where you find "silly" and "nervous"
Give an an example of a positive affirmation
I am____________
Strategy has the number 7 in it. Demonstrate strategy
7 shakes
Two staff members that play in a band
Mr. Drew and Mr. Willie
Which class is in room 11?
Peace Works
Zone or zones where you find "angry" and "terrified"
Identify a trusted adult that you can talk to
Any adult at the Success Center, school or someone else
Strategy has you touch your finger tips. Demonstrate strategy
Finger Touch Affirmations
Staff member is on a volleyball league
Mr. Will
Where do you go if you need a band aid?
Ms. Ebony or office
Zone or zones where you find "calm" and "bored"
Green and blue
Replacing a negative thought with a positive or helpful thought is called_________
Reframing thoughts
Strategy requires you to listen to your body and may result in you feeling very relaxed. Demonstrate how to do strategy in class
Body Scan and put your head on the desk
Name of person who brought therapy dogs? Name of dogs(extra 10 points)
Ms. Janet/ Liebling &
Where do you do ropes & challenges?
Social Skills
Why do we ask you what zone you are in?
To determine what you may need so we can help you
I feel____ or I feel____
when______ when________
because______ I need_______
I need______