Empathy is a soft skill issue.
What is the problem that job candidates face and a skill they need to acquire in order to be successful and unique in the hiring process. It is crucial to develop a sense of empathy to build human connection, but with AI advancing it is becoming more important to hone in that skill of empathy and building human connection. It is something that many people lack but it is becoming more vital each and everyday. How can it be addressed?
A skill that is growing because of Telemedicine.
What is remote engagement. With recent trends and predictive models it indicating that a lot of appointments with be held virtually. Therefore, growing concerns about how to deliver presentations have arrived. Employers need to see what job candidates can bring to a virtual setting. This employs individuals to learn different strategies and skills like presentation, communication, and engagement.
A way to maintain competence in an AI emerging world.
What is an issue with individual candidates that are viewed as incompetent because they lack a keen insight into AI. Many companies are on a wait-and-see approach with AI while others are already immersing their companies with it. But, this has caused some complacency issues amongst people on the search for a job. Although a lot of companies aren't engaged with AI in the healthcare world, doesn't mean they won't be and this has caused many to fall behind.
An important strategy involved in all business healthcare.
What is segmentation. Segmentation amongst company divisions is has grown massively over the 20 years as technology has advanced. But, the ability to be active throughout the segmentation process has been undermined by individuals seeking become a part of a team in which collaboration is key. AI has changed the landscape significantly for segmentation and in many ways it has made it easier. The value of being able to collaborate and be transparent has grown tremendously.
A core skill in healthcare sales.
What is sales pitching skills. AI generates tons of insights, but sales representatives are lacking the ability to translate that raw data into a creative story. It's crucial to have effective skills to be able to sell and pitch a product to a company, patient, etc. Additionally, as AI continues to become a larger part of sales pitches it's critical that individuals develop that understanding of how AI translates data to ensure that all components of the "pitch" correlate with the evidence.
This is a solution to help integrate empathy as a soft skill.
What is Empathy Engineering, solution to ensuring that individuals on the healthcare side of business can employ empathy and integrate that soft skill with AI. This program will allow employee's and future job candidates to work hand in hand with AI by using it as a copilot. By part taking in training exercises and simulated patient interactions, soft skills like empathy will be developed to maintain and employ alongside AI. An incentive to the program would be building credit amongst employers to demonstrate you can be not only helpful but adaptive.
This is a solution to help develop skills for Telemedicine.
What is Rocking with Virtual Healthcare. This solution helps provide a multi-step process to introduce and develop communication, presentation, and engagement skills. It can be broken down and implemented creatively using a 4 step process.
1) Soundcheck: Speech Coaching
This is a cool and interesting way to use AI to help analyze voice patterns, tones, energy. By using this you can better understand what ways to improve your presentation and voice skills to effectively communicate in a virtual setting.
2) Stage Prescence: Video and Virtual Prescence
By adding creative and engaging virtual backgrounds you can help implement AI but also provide an interesting and interactive meeting with your patients. This will help create a more personal relationship that is open to creative solutions and patient care.
3)Sold out Crowd: Using AI to Trigger Sales Interactions
By using AI to identify and notify you of the clients expressions, you can help gauge your patients concerns much more and build a foundation of how to develop effective communication styles to help meet and address the needs of your patients. Also, using virtual polls to help the HCPs to stay engaged and become more of a active participant.
4) Encore: Personalized Follow-Ups
AI can be used to help create and draft summary reports of the meeting as well as craft emails. But, this is where a potential candidate can help develop communication skills by adding their own human touch to make it feel more genuine and personable to the patient.
Overall selling in healthcare is a performance and using this multi-step process can help make virtual meetings a show by using AI as a opener and you being the main event.
The solution to help build competence and gain leverage on AI.
What is AI education. This concept and solution is a perfect way to help individuals gain an advantage over AI as well as companies and their understanding of it. By part taking in AI/Data Analytics, Healthcare Conferences, workshops, people can use that as leverage going forward. Creating an "AI Education" only helps give people an upper hand and by upskilling you gain a competitive edge in the interview process. Therefore, by introducing "AI Education" you can create a platform and network that provides courses/certificates, conference dates, and local or national workshops to help gain a larger skillset. It will provide access to professionals in all sorts of fields within healthcare.
The solution to helping with segmentation and transparency with others.
What is "Precision Playbook". This is a creative, game-like solution to address how to enhance segmentation in the different divisions of healthcare businesses. A 3-Step course of action to recognize, understand, and practice different strategies to help become a valued person throughout the segmentation process.
1) AI Powered-Data Challenge
For example a sales team can receive HCP's data about prescribing trends, sort of engagement history, etc. Then by using AI-generated patient case studies it will allow sales representatives to help categorize the data. After teams can compete to build the most effective segmentation strategy to approach the data given.
2) Storytelling and Role-Playing Activity
AI chat bots stage conversations that replicate a sales call and then the sales representatives create an approach based on segmentation insights to formulate a response strategy.
3)AI-Generated Content Challenges
Given produces different segment strategies for a variety of strategies. Teams then create video pitches/presentations, emails that are more personally oriented, or LinkedIn outreach posts from given segmentation profiles that were originally presented.
The solution to translating AI insights into an effective sales pitch.
What is "Sales Storytelling". This is an effective solution that forces sales representatives into using different AI-generated stories to help work on the art of creating a story and pitching it from data or images given. For example, someone will be given data from patient records and AI will create a report/provide an insight. Based on that insight, you have to create not only a creative story, but an effective sales pitch. You'll be tasked with building a solid foundation to ensure you can be versatile in your ability to story tell and make a great sales pitch.
People that benefit from Empathy Engineering.
What is Sales Representatives, Healthcare Providers, Leaders and Executives, and Patients. This program will help benefit job candidates the most because it will allow individuals to separate themselves from the rest. Demonstrating integration of empathy with emerging technology can set yourself up for success especially in the eyes of employers.
Benefiters of the proposed solution.
What is Healthcare Marketing and Business Development Teams, Telemedicine and Digital Health Solution Providers, and Pharmaceutical & Medical Device Sales Representatives. These are some of the most important benefiters to people involved in virtual meetings on a day to day basis. They can learn how to make virtual meetings more interactive and help develop the listed skills like communication, engagement, and presentation.
Benefiters of "AI Education".
What is everyone in the business realm of healthcare. Although that is broad, it is true. Upskilling is a valuable and it serves to benefit anyone that is willing to go the extra mile to help gain that competitive edge. More narrowly speaking, individuals who are young will reap the most benefit. With AI continuing to grow, it will continue to have a more profound effect on the business of healthcare.
Benefiters of the "Precision Playbook"
What is healthcare sales, marketing, and business development professionals. Recruiters could derive the most value from this because it would help demonstrate job candidates ability to perform in different scenarios in context of segmentation. Ultimately, it serves to benefit everyone because it gets everyone actively involved in the segmentation process and how to interact with AI.
Benefiters of "Sales Storytelling"
What is Sale's Representatives. Although this concept is applicable to anyone in the world of healthcare business. It is more oriented and designed for people seeking careers in Sales Representatives. This is the most vital skill set to develop; storytelling. Therefore, it reaps the most benefit. However, visual representation through AI is being used more across many career fields in the healthcare world. Thus, it will be a likely trend that this skill be more widely looked for in other realms.
Why Empathy is important.
What is: It is important to establish that human connection and to make a patient feel felt by your presence. Establishing that will help guide and navigate the healthcare process for any patient. Integrating this skill with AI can help create good, caring relationships amongst healthcare providers and allow AI to create a more deeply rooted understanding of what is needed.
Why Rocking With Virtual Care is important.
What is developing skills to adapt accordingly to the rise in Telemedicine meetings with patients and providers. Now more than ever, the world of healthcare is continuing to change and companies are becoming more reliant on Telemedicine to help deliver results in a more efficient manner. But, this comes with owning the skills to help deliver in these virtual meetings. Therefore, it is vital to learn to engage with different virtual meeting settings and ideas with the help of AI. By developing the skills listed it help makes Telemedicine more valuable but it also highlights the importance of knowing how to engage remotely.
Why "AI Education" is important.
What is upskilling. This solution of "AI Education" would be critical not only for basic skills that regard AI but to help gain a competitive edge. If you can bring additional knowledge that may put you in a position to dictate where you want to be within a company. Gaining key insight into data analytics, attending conferences, and workshops, you'll be able to gain a more trusting insight with AI and also be well versed and have a lot of background. Additionally, it creates a diverse portfolio that is rooted in deep understanding which can help build trust into AI insights. This has been a key factor for companies who are looking for individuals that will make a difference immediately.
Why "Precision Playbook" is important.
What is replicating this "playbook" to help acclimate and expose people to these skill sets would be important. Segmentation is vital in the business world, by breaking down problems it helps make collaboration a more valued skill. The ability to collaborate and work in conjunction with AI and others will continue to grow in importance. It can teach different tactics and replicate real life scenarios in which someone can develop more. The growing connection with AI and segmentation demonstrates how people will have to adapt effectively and swiftly to the impact that AI is inducing.
Why "Sales Storytelling" is important.
What is implementing this strategy to help create a valuable skill set; storytelling. This is vital with the emergence of AI and by using both human storytelling and AI insight it can create a good harmony. Companies in health care need individuals who can make a sales pitch and create a story out of numbers, market trends, etc. It will always be a relevant aspect because adding the human touch helps create an emotional attachment to a product which can't be replicated by AI. Continually, this skill can reflect a creative person which adds value in many ways. With AI on the rise, creativity is the one thing that can separate ourselves from it.