Calming Down
Slowing Down
Checking Your Work
Making Good Descions

What are some physical signs that might tell you when you need to calm down?

  • Some physical signs include faster heart rate, shallow breathing, sweating, tensed muscles, or feeling restless.

Why is it important to take your time when completing a test or assignment?

  • It's important to take your time because rushing can lead to mistakes. By slowing down, you can think more carefully about your answers and make sure you understand the questions.

What steps can you take to double check your work before submitting it?

  • Before submitting your work, you can start by reviewing the instructions to make sure you've followed them correctly. Then, go through each problem or question one by one, checking your answers for accuracy. It's also helpful to use tools like spell check or grammar check to catch any spelling or grammatical errors in your writing.

How can you stop and think before making a quick decision?

  • You can stop and think by taking a deep breath and counting to three before making a decision. This gives you time to think about what you're about to do.

You wake up in the morning and notice the ground outside is wet, and there are puddles. What can you infer about the weather last night?

It likely rained last night since the ground is wet and there are puddles.


Can you name three calming activities or techniques you could use when feeling stressed or anxious?

  • Deep breathing exercises, taking a walk in nature, listening to calming music, practicing mindfulness or meditation, or writing in a journal are some examples.

What might happen if you rush through a test or assignment without thinking carefully?

  • Rushing through a test or assignment can lead to errors, misunderstandings, and lower grades. You might miss important details or make simple mistakes that could have been avoided by taking your time.

How can you use a checklist to help you double check your work?

  • A checklist can be a handy tool for double checking your work. You can create a checklist with all the tasks you need to complete, then mark off each task as you finish it. This helps ensure that you haven't missed anything and that you've completed all the necessary steps.

Why is it important to think before acting on a sudden idea?

  • It's important because sometimes our first idea might not be the best one. Taking time to think can help us make better choices.

You see a group of students huddled together, whispering and glancing at a nearby teacher. What can you infer about the situation?

The students might be talking about something they don't want the teacher to hear, possibly gossiping or sharing secrets.


How can taking deep breaths help you calm down? Can you explain why it works?

  • Deep breathing triggers the body's relaxation response by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps counteract the stress response. It slows down the heart rate, reduces muscle tension, and brings more oxygen into the body, helping to calm both the body and mind.

How can slowing down help you do better on a test or assignment?

  • Slowing down allows you to read each question carefully, think about your answers, and double-check your work. This can help you produce higher-quality answers and avoid careless errors.

What strategies can you use to catch mistakes in your work?

  • One strategy is to read your work out loud, which can help you spot errors that you might have missed when reading silently. You can also try working backwards, starting from the end of your work and moving backwards to the beginning, to help you focus on individual details.

What can you do if you feel like you want to do something right away without thinking about it?

  • If you feel like you want to do something right away, you can try to distract yourself by doing something else for a little while. You can also ask yourself if the thing you want to do is safe and if it's a good idea.

You find a lunchbox with a sandwich, apple slices, and a juice box inside left on a bench in the park. What can you infer about what happened?

Someone forgot or left behind their lunch while they were at the park, possibly because they were in a hurry or distracted.


Think about a time when you felt really upset. What could you have done differently to calm yourself down?

  • Possible answers could include recognizing the signs of stress earlier, taking deep breaths, going for a walk, talking to a trusted friend or family member, or practicing a relaxation technique like visualization or progressive muscle relaxation.

What are some things you can do to remind yourself to slow down during a test or assignment?

  • You can remind yourself to slow down by taking deep breaths, reading each question twice, and checking your work before moving on. You can also set a goal to use all the time provided for the test or assignment.

How can you use peer review to help you double check your work?

  • Peer review involves having a classmate or friend review your work and provide feedback. They can point out any mistakes or areas for improvement that you might have missed, helping you to make your work more accurate and polished before submitting it.

How can you use self-control to help you make good decisions?

  • Self-control means being able to stop yourself from doing something even if you really want to do it. You can use self-control by reminding yourself to think before acting and by practicing saying "no" to things that might not be good for you.

You notice that the traffic lights at a busy intersection are all blinking red. What can you infer about what might be happening?

There may be a power outage or a malfunction with the traffic lights, causing them to blink red instead of operating normally.


Why is it important to have a variety of calming strategies instead of just relying on one method

  • Different situations may call for different calming strategies, and what works best can vary from person to person. Having a variety of strategies ensures that you have options to choose from and increases the likelihood of finding an effective way to calm down in any given situation. Additionally, it prevents reliance on a single method that may not always be accessible or effective.

Why is it okay to take your time even if others finish before you?

  • It's okay to take your time because everyone works at their own pace. What's most important is doing your best, not finishing first. Taking your time ensures that you understand the material and can show what you know.

Why is it helpful to take a break before double checking your work?

  • Taking a short break before double checking your work allows your brain to rest and reset. When you come back to review your work after a break, you may be able to spot mistakes more easily and approach the task with a clearer mind.

What can you do if you make a decision too quickly and it turns out to be a mistake?

  • If you make a quick decision and it turns out to be a mistake, it's okay! Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. You can learn from your mistake and try to do better next time. You can also talk to someone you trust for advice on what to do next.

 You see a dog sitting by the front door with a leash in its mouth, wagging its tail. What can you infer about what the dog wants?

The dog likely wants to go for a walk since it has the leash in its mouth and is showing signs of excitement by wagging its tail.
