Verbal or non-verbal.
common, everyday slights and comments that relate to various aspects of one's appearance or identity
Outgoing, willing to talk to people
Doing this work because you want to help others, not because of prestige or compensation
Working with an individual to give them resources or help them solve their problem(s) via a treatment plan
Case manager
To be effective an effective helper, you must understand that the helping relationship is this specific kind of relationship
Acknowledges the need to understand a client's life experiences in order to deliver effective care.
Trauma Informed Care
To be able to take time, not rush anything
Advocacy, sensitivity through actions and words
Social justice
Working with clients whose behavioral, communication, or physical challenges impede their quality of life
Behavioral therapist
Analyze information gathered from unbiased observation and communication. Objectively evaluate.
Critical thinking
assigning or directing something to a new or different place or purpose or can be described by training or accustoming a person to behave in a certain way or to accept certain circumstances.
Basic needs
Uniqueness of each individual
Dignity and Worth
Gives guidance on personal, social, or psychological problems
understanding between people; common feeling
A meeting to determine if an individual can use your specialized knowledge and skills
Caring for yourself when work gets tough
Self Care
Committed to providing the best care and keeping up to date with issues, education, etc
Create a safe and welcoming environment for residents
Shelter advocate
To be aware of your own cultural beliefs and values and how these may be different from other cultures
Cultural competency
combines various approaches and methodologies
the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others
To do no harm
Work with people convinced of crimes and supervise their conduct.
Probation/parole officer