Allergic Reaction
Seizures Land/Water
Heart Attacks
Diabetic Emergencies

Name at least four items that can cause an allergic reaction.

Nuts, fruit, vegetables, cleaning materials, wasps/bees, pollen, medication, and latex.


How long do seizures usually last? 

1 to 3 minutes


For strokes what does FAST stand for?

Face – drooping when they smile (you will know it’s there!)

Arms – have them close their eyes, raise both hands. If one falls below the other that is a sign, also note if the patron has numbness or tingling.

Speech – just talk to them, or have them repeat a simple sentence. If their words are jumbled or slurred this is a sign of stroke.

Time – MOST IMPORTANT. If they show signs of a stroke, note exactly what time they were last normal, sometimes they won’t know ask a friend or family member that is with them. 


What are the common symptoms of a heart attack?

  1. Chest tightness (feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest) 

  2. Nausea and vomiting 

  3. Left arm pain/numbness

  4. Skin color changes, typically pale but occasionally flushed.

  5. Sudden dizziness


How do you treat low blood sugar?

  1. If the person can swallow and is conscious give food or drink with sugar

  2. If unconscious, CALL 911, do not give anything by mouth

  3. Have the person sit and wait 5-10 minutes, if symptoms don’t resolve, call 911.


What are the symptoms of an allergic reaction that you should call 911 immediately for? 

Difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing, tingling of the touch or face, inability to speak


What 2 things can happen to breathing during a seizure?

They can stop breathing for a short period of time and breathing can be very irregular


What should you do first is you suspect a patron is having a stroke?

Activate the EAP and call 911


What heart attack signs/symptoms are different for women as opposed to men?

  1. Sudden, sharp pain near the breastbone, usually short-lived.

  2. Women have nausea or vomiting more often than men.

  3. Women tend to state they ‘just don’t feel good’ but cannot describe why or what.

  4. Jaw pain is also more common in women.


What foods and drinks can you give someone with low blood sugar?

For sugar: Juice, soda, Gatorade

Have them eat a sandwich or something with sustenance as well after getting sugar.


What type of medication do some people carry with known allergic reactions?



What position do you place the victim in after they finish seizing?

recovery position 


What are common races, genders, and age ranges of the population most at risk for strokes?

  1. Older than 65

  2. Men have more strokes

  3. More women die from their strokes

  4. African-American are more at risk 


List all of the steps of what you should take if you suspect someone of having a heart attack. There are 7

1.Take immediate action and summon EMS personnel.

2.Have the victim stop any activity and rest in a comfortable position.

3.Loosen tight or uncomfortable clothing.

4.Closely monitor the victim until EMS personnel take over. Note any changes in the victim’s appearance or behavior.

5.Comfort the victim.

6.Assist the victim with prescribed medication, such as nitroglycerin or aspirin, and administer emergency oxygen, if is available and you are trained to do so.

7. Be prepared to perform CPR and an AED ready.


What are the signs and symptoms of low blood sugar? There are 8

  1. Unconsciousness

  2. Confusion

  3. Pale skin

  4. Excessive sweating

  5. Stating they are ‘hungry’

  6. Dizziness

  7. Vision problems

  8. Slurred speech


Can we assist a patron in administering an epipen?


Determine whether the person already has taken epinephrine or an antihistamine. If so, DO NOT administer another dose, unless directed to do so by more advanced medical personnel. 

■ Check the label to confirm that the prescription of the auto-injector is for the person.

 ■ Check the expiration date of the auto-injector. If it has expired, DO NOT use it. 

■ Confirm that the liquid is clear and not cloudy, if the medication is visible. If it is cloudy, DO NOT use it. 

■ Leave the safety cap on until the auto-injector is ready to use. Carefully avoid accidental injection when assisting a person by never touching the needle end of the device.


What is a possible cause of a seizure in an elderly person that doesn’t have a known seizure condition?

Possible stroke, be sure to look for FAST signs after the seizure has passed and note the time the patron was last known to be normal.


What is a stroke?

Lack of blood flow to an area of the brain. Damage can be permanent. 


When you think a patron may be having a heart attack should you ask questions in an open-ended manner or closed manner? 

For example: Do you have pain in your left arm? Or, how are you feeling? Does anything hurt? WHY do you ask questions this way?


Open-ended : How are you feeling? Can you describe the pain to me? Try to leave the questions open-ended instead of yes or no. People in acute distress tend to just answer yes to everything they are being asked to please the person they are talking to, or to just stop them from asking questions.


What are possible permanent disability's that diabetes can cause?

  1. Blindness

  2. Amputations of limbs

  3. Heart disease/heart attacks

  4. Stroke

  5. Death


List 4 reasons to call 911 for a seizure

  1. The seizure occurs in the water.

  2. The seizure lasts more than 5 minutes.

  3. The person has repeated seizures with no sign of slowing down.

  4. The person appears to be injured, prior to or after the seizure.

  5. The cause of the seizure is unknown.

  6. The person is pregnant.

  7. The person is known to have diabetes.

  8. The person fails to regain consciousness after the seizure.

  9. The person is elderly and may have suffered a stroke.

  10. This is the person’s first seizure and has no history of seizures.


Why is it important that you call 911 as soon as you realize someone is having a stroke?

During a stroke parts of the brain don't have blood flow and can be permanently damaged the longer the stroke lasts.


What is a heart attack?

Blood flow to the heart becomes blocked, preventing the heart from getting oxygen 


What is diabetes? 

When a person has diabetes, their body fails to maintain the blood sugar balance, so they need to manage it through diet, tablets or insulin injections.
