How might you know?
Substance Facts
Medication/ Treatment
In the name

What are some common withdrawal symptoms from alcohol?

Hand tremors, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, hallucinations, anxiety, seizures


Which substances are the most dangerous to withdraw from medically?

Alcohol, benzodiazepines, opiates


What is the name of the opiate overdose treatment nose spray?

Narcan and Naloxone


Name the program women can go to with their kids at ReDiscover?

Women and Childrens


What are some street names for THC?

Marijana, cannabis, dope, grass, pot, ganja, hash


What are some visual cues that someone may be on opiates?

Decreased breathing, small pupils, problems with attention, drowsy or sleepiness, low energy, slurred speech, confusion, runny nose, needle marks.


What symptoms might family or friends complain of that might trigger you to ask about a client's substance use?

Lying, recent loss of jobs or friends, money problems, irregular sleep patterns, new physical health issues, neglected appearance, changes in behavior


What does MAT stand for?

Medication assisted treatment


Name the inpatient ReDiscover program where men or women can participate.



What are examples of hallucinogenic substances?  

LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, peyote, saliva


What type of symptoms might you expect to see when someone is using stimulants?

Ex: ADHD stimulant medications (adderall, ritalin, methylphenidate), cocaine, methamphetamine. 

Symptoms: rapid speech, loss of sleep, blurred vision, excessive energy, risky behaviors, weight loss, sweating, twitching, rapid heart rate, decreased appetite, high blood pressure


Name an environmental factor that might contribute to substance use?

Family history, family beliefs and attitudes towards use, exposure to substances by peers, exposure on the streets 

Bonus: genetics also play a role in either delay or progression of substance use 


What are a few of the common drugs used for Opiate Use Disorder?

methadone, suboxone, buprenorphine, naloxone


Do SUDS clients need to go through intake to get a referral to a SUDS program?

No, refer directly to program, they don't need to go through open access, SUDS does their own intakes.

W&C/Co-ED- ref to Qwi'Mya Brodie

TOPS/Transitions- ref to Heidi White


What are examples of opiates?

Prescription pain medications: hydrocodone, tramadol, oxycontin, vicodin, morphine. Street substances: heroin, fentanyl (often referred to in the street as "perc 30s"


What type of considerations might make someone a good candidate for a referral to SUDS over MH?

Intense urges to use, using daily, taking larger amounts of substance than intended, feeling guilty about their use which causes other mh symptoms, money problems, losing work/friends over use, failing at attempts to quit on their own, withdrawal symptoms when they attempt to stop the substance


What are risk factors for substance use disorders or misuse of substances?

Family hx, mental health disorder, early use, taking more highly addictive substances


Name at least two ways clients can be tested for alcohol.

ETOH on a UDS, breathalyzer, blood test, saliva test, hair test


Name the non-profit behavioral health management organization that works in collaboration with CBHCs to assist with SUDS clients? (Hint- they came to a monthly meeting)

EPICC - Engaging Patients in Care Coordination. promotes a "medication first" model through transitions of care. Serves Jackson, Clay, Platte, and Ray Counties. 

EPICC will help any hospital-referred patient with an overdose stemming from opioids, stimulants or alcohol who is 16 years or older.


What is the name of the test for alchol severity withdrawl that is completed by nursing and what does it measure?

CIWA- “clinical institute withdrawal assessment alcohol scale) 10 symptoms including: agitation, anxiety, auditory dist, clouding of sensorium, headache, nausea/vomit, sweats, tactile dist, tremor, visual dist


What type of extra questions or considerations might you review for an individual who uses substances IV?

Did they share needles? Hepatitis B and C, HIV. Contaminants in water used to dissolve substance, bacteria in the blood, abscess, blown vein


What are some long term complications of substance use that clients may struggle with?

Infectious diseases like HIV, accidents (DUI), suicide, cyclical issues being involved in courts, legal, financial troubles, brain changes leading to memory issues


If you are doing a drug test on an OTP (opioid treatment program) client what substance would you want to see in their UDS testing positive for know they are compliant?

BUP (buprenorphine) or MTD (methadone)


How does someone get involved in drug court?

Their attorney needs to request they be screened.


What is the name of the test for opiate withdrawl that is completed by nursing and what does it measure?

COWS- clinical opiate withdrawal scale

It measures: resting pulse rate, sweating, restlessness, pupil size, bone/joint aches, running rose /tearing, GI upset, tremor, yawning, anxiety or irritability, gooseflesh
