Name four streets in Crescent Head that Suelle HASN'T lived in?
Suelle to answer
Australian songstress was 'so lucky' to be born on this day.
Kylie Minogue
Suelle's maiden name?
Name four practices that Suelle has worked in?
Dr Chan, Paul Li, School Dental, Hermitage
This movie starred an alien that wanted to go home.
Name 5 streets in Crescent Head that Suelle has lived in
Hodgson St, Skyline Cres, Richard Elrington St, Charles Parry St, Korogora St, Noongah Tce, Comara Tce
Which 'fortunate son' from America was born?
John Fogerty
First names of Suelle's parents and brother?
Reginald, Audrey, Warwick
What is the name of the famous hijab house in Sydney?
Suelle Boutique
What song inspired the movie 'Rocky'?
Eye of the Tiger by Survivor
According to Millie, where did Pete first kiss Suelle?
In Hodgson St. On the hand then on the lips.
European car company was formed in1937 for the people.
What gymnastic feat did Suelle enjoy doing in her parents loungeroom?
Name the five members of the “Book Chooks”?
Suelle, Pam, Noeleen, Helen, Janice
Who encouraged people to get physical
Olivia Newton John
Where was Suelle born?
2001 New York mayor with zero tolerance
Rudi Guiliani
What business did Suelle's parents run when they lived in Vaucluse?
What is Suelle’s footy tipping name for 2021?
Fairy Floss
Who needed some sexual healing?
Marvin Gaye
Which city did Suelle live in when she was studying Dental Hygiene at uni?
'What you talkin' about Willis' actor died.
Gary Coleman
What was Suelle's favourite 'route' in the eastern suburbs?
City to Surf
What did Suelle and Tracie wear to their combined 40th birthdays?
Bowls outfits
Which band does Suelle have all the signatures of?
Sky Hooks