The Sugarcane plant is classified as what plant?
Giant Grass
Where is Sugarcane native to?
South Pacific/Southeastern Asia
Sugar mills were called _______ due to the conditions that the workers experienced.
This man promised to bring new trade networks and islands for sugarcane production to the Spanish Crown, 15th century.
Christopher Columbus
These buildings revolutionized the production and processing of granulated sugar
Sugar Mill
What country had difficulty obtaining sugar mainly due to its climate and costs in the beginning of sugar production?
All 20 000 slaves on Barbados were of _____ descent by 1655.
This country colonized the Canary Islands for sugar
This country was the first large-scale sugar/sugarcane producer
What country replaced replaced Brazil as the "King" of sugar production in the 18th century?
The average lifespan of a slave after arriving at the early plantations/mills was how many years?
7-9 years
Brazil was under this country's control in the 17th century.
Colonists of this state were able to flood the market with sugar drastically reducing the price
American entrepreneurs invaded what country in 19th century, looking to work with sugar and pineapple
What was the name of the group people that were forced to work on early sugar mills in Seville la Nueva?
The byproduct of the sugar making process is this substance
When British profits became questionable, they moved their cultivation to what three locations.
Caribbean to Natal in South Africa to India
What was the name of the man you attempted to lead a revolution against the island police in Barbados, 1816?
This empire owned many of the Caribbean islands in the 18th century, creating a sugar monopoly.
British Empire