What are some signs/symptoms that someone may have depression?
Overwhelming feeling of sadness and hopelessness; Fatigue; Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities; Change in eating habits; Trouble concentrating
What are some examples of mental illness that teens may experience?
Depression; Anxiety; Bipolar Disorder; Eating Disorders; Addictive Behaviors
What were the two people you could go for help that are available at the school called?
Principal & Assistant Principal
School Counselors or Psychologist
The "Q" in QPR stands for?
Talking about suicide with someone will put the idea of suicide into their head, even if it wasn't there before.
What two habits might change from depression or suicidal thoughts?
1. Eating
2. Sleeping
You should not rely on ____ or ____ if you are feeling depressed.
Alcohol/Drugs & Caffeine
Who are some people outside of school you could go to if you or someone needs help with depression or suicidal thoughts?
Extended Family - Grandparent, Aunt/Uncle
Professional - Doctor, Therapist
The "P" in QPR stands for
Suicide is more common amongst:
A) High Class
B) Middle Class
C) Lower Class/Poverty
D) All socioeconomic classes
D) All socioeconomic classes
True/False. Giving away prized possessions is a warning sign for someone who might be having thoughts of suicide.
True. If someone is trying to put personal affairs in order and/or giving away items that have great value to them, take this a sign that you need to ask follow up questions.
If your friend makes suicidal comments and makes you promise not to tell anyone, what should you do?
Do not keep it a secret and tell someone. Even if your friend is mad at you temporarily, it may save his/her life.
What is something that might hold someone back from getting help for depression or suicidal thoughts?
Think they can't be helped
Stigma; Fear
Trusted Adult - Parent, Teacher, Counselor/Psych, Principal, Aunt/Uncle, Grandparent, Coach
Women complete suicide more often than men.
Myth. Men complete suicide 3.54x more often than women. Women do attempt suicide more often than men.
What physical symptoms might a suicidal person complain about?
Stomach ache, headache, fatigue
What are some behavioral cues that someone may be considering suicide?
Any previous suicide attempt; acquiring a firearm; Giving away prized possessions; drug or alcohol abuse; Unexplained anger, aggression, irritability
Give an example of how to indirectly ask the question if you think someone is suicidal? How do you ask the question directly?
Indirect - "Have you been really unhappy lately?"
Direct - "Are you thinking about ending your life?"
True/False. QPR is intended to be therapy for someone who is having suicidal thoughts.
False. QPR is NOT intended to be therapy. It is meant to provide hope and be the first step in getting someone help. Think CPR.
In most cases, there are warning signs of someone who may attempt suicide.
Fact. In the majority of cases, there are verbal, behavioral, or situational cues that would suggest someone is thinking of suicide. There may be times when there are not many warning signs, but this is rare.
What are two direct verbal cues that a suicidal person may give?
“I won’t be a problem for you much longer.”
“Nothing matters.”
“It’s no use.”
“I won't see you again.”
What are some situational cues that would suggest someone may be considering suicide?
Family change; Death of close family member or friend; Loss of any major relationship; Recent unwanted move; Fear of being a burden to others;
What is the Suicide Hotline's number?
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Why do we choose to teach QPR?
Increased knowledge and recognition of risk factors
Increased confidence in asking questions
Increased awareness of resources
Anyone can use QPR, anywhere at anytime
It's normal for teens to be "moody" and are only seeking attention when they make suicidal comments.
Myth. Teens can suffer from mental illness such as depression and anxiety. We take all comments and threats of suicide seriously.