During Sukkot where do we eat and even sleep?
What is the Sukkah
What country do the four species come from?
The number of Hoshanot (special prayers) recited on Hoshana Raba.
the sukkah helps us remember this
God protected us when we left Egypt
What is hanging on the walls of the sukkah?
the big stick we shake is called
layshev b'sukkah or chilling in the sukkah
chag sameach or moadim l'simcha
what is the citrus fruit we shake?
the special prayer we say the first time we shake the arbah minim
Another name for Sukkot
the time of our joy (simcha)
The sukkah's roof is covered with
Schach or plants
how many plants do we shake together?
4 (arbah minim)
This is the weather we pray for during Sukkot
rain (in Israel!)
what are we especially grateful for during Sukkot?
having a safe home and the opportunity to help others
what guests do we welcome to our Sukkah?
the etrog is the symbol of which body part?
the heart
before we had prayers, what did we do during Sukkot?
offer sacrifices to the big temple in Jerusalem
why do we decorate the sukkah?
to say thank you to God!