Fill in the blank: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen let nothing you dismay, Remember __________________ was born on Christmas Day
Christ our Savior
What day is traditionally the first day of the Advent season?
Fourth Sunday before Christmas.
What song asks people to go tell others about the news of Jesus' birth?
Go Tell it on the Mountain
What color(s) are traditionally on the altar for advent?
Blue, Purple
What season was Jesus believed to be born in?
In what Christmas movie will you "shoot your eye out"?
A Christmas Story
What is the name of the evil Santa originating from Austrian folklore?
Who wrote about the three ghosts of Christmas before it became a movie? What is the story called?
Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol
In the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas", what day is the FIRST day of Christmas?
December 25th (Christmas Day)
What do the wise men bring Baby Jesus?
Jan 6th, Frankincense, Gold, Myrrh