This Haudenosaunee-made object, traditionally crafted from wood and sinew, has both cultural and spiritual significance within the community.
What is a lacrosse stick?
This stereotype is commonly associated with excess fees and an exclusive white boys club?
What is :current lacrosse stereotype/bro culture
Despite the Haudenosaunee inventing lacrosse, they are not currently allowed to compete in the 2028 Summer Olympics under this entity’s rules.
What is the International Olympic Committee (IOC)?
he Premier Lacrosse League integrates this ritual at the start of games to honor Indigenous peoples and their historical connection to the land.
What is a land acknowledgment?
This term, often associated with privileged behavior and excessive partying, has negatively influenced the public image of lacrosse players.
What is " bro culture"?
The Haudenosaunee believe lacrosse was given to them by this higher power, and it plays a significant role in both healing and competition.
Who is the Creator?
What wooden object represents plant life and healing?
What is a wooden lacrosse stick?
These miniature lacrosse sticks, given to infants of the Onondaga Nation, are referred to as this. This term is also used to described as a lacrosse stick handling skill.
What is a cradle/cradle sticks?
In the 19th century, this group of Canadians helped popularize lacrosse as a national sport, sidelining its Native American roots.
Who were English- Canadians ?
This aspect of lacrosse culture, often celebrated by "Bro Bible," is criticized for detracting from the game’s true purpose and is sometimes seen as appropriating Native traditions.
What is "flow" or long hair?
The Haudenosaunee's struggle for recognition at the Olympics stems from their lack of this, which prevents them from fielding their own team under their flag.
What is a National Olympic Committee?
This name was created by French settlers due to the shape of a bishops staff.
What is the origin of the word lacrosse?
In 2010, this country refused to recognize the Haudenosaunee Confederacy passports, preventing their entry to the World Lacrosse Championship.
What is the United Kingdom?
This professional lacrosse league, founded in 2019, seeks to build a more inclusive future for the sport while honoring its Indigenous roots
What is the Premier Lacrosse League (PLL)?
The article suggests that some people view lacrosse in modern society as this, largely due to the impact of the “bro culture” and its portrayal in the media.
What is an "exclusive" or "elitist" sport?
In the 2028 Olympics, lacrosse will be played in this compact format, which is a faster-paced version of the sport.
What is the sixes format?
Who is the only black man in the lacrosse hall of fame?
Who is Jim Brown?
The Haudenosaunee Confederacy is pushing for this special approval from the International Olympic Committee in 2028.
What is nation sovereignty and self-determination?
In the 19th century, lacrosse was pushed into these social circles, where it became popular but sidelined its Native American originators.
What are upper-class society and college campuses?
According to the article, lacrosse was originally created to teach young men these two key qualities, rather than being a vehicle for partying or personal glory.
What are life skills and honor?
What US prominent figure supported the Haudenosaunee players to play under thier own flag?
Joe Biden
What do current Indigenous lacrosse players want for the future of the sport?
What is: True friendship, respect, honour and peace?
This 58-year-old Onondaga Nation member was part of the first Haudenosaunee Nationals lacrosse team in 1983.
Who is Rex Lyons?
The PLL aims to reclaim the sport’s Indigenous roots while promoting this movement, spurred by events like the murder of George Floyd.
What is social justice?
This TV show depicted lacrosse players as rich, privileged, and care-free, furthering the stereotype of "bro culture" in the sport.
What is Blue Mountain State?