Central Idea
Author's Purpose
Figurative Language
Context Clues
Rhetorical Appeals

This is the TOPIC of the following passage: During World War I, many soldiers died because their wounds became infected. Antibiotics had not been discovered at that time. During World War II, many more soldiers died while in combat. Antibiotics are used to treat infections because they kill bacteria in the body. They are easily the most widely prescribed drug in the world.

What is antibiotics? 


An article arguing why Bobby Fischer is the greatest Chess player ever is _________

What is to persuade?


Identify the type of figurative language

Fight Song by Rachel Platten

Like a small boat

On the ocean

Sending big waves

Into motion

What is a simile? Like a small boat


This type of context clue is used to find the meaning of the underlined word...

Mrs. Newton was suspicious when the boys offered to sweep her porch, but Mr. Newton was gullible enough to let them. 

What is an antonym context clue? 


"100% of students who use their class time wisely complete their project and are successful" is an example of __________

What is logos? 


Identify the theme of the passage....Eleanor invited the new girl, Jessica, over to play. When Jessica arrived, she didn't bother to wipe her shoes. She got mud all over Eleanor's white bedroom carpet and didn't even say sorry. Then, she hopped onto Eleanor's bed and took out a cherry juice box. When cherry juice dripped onto Eleanor's tan comforter, Jessica just shrugged. Later, when Jessica was eating some Cheetos, she wiped the orange powder on her fingers onto Eleanor's pillowcase. When Jessica left, Eleanor called all of her friends to tell them what had happened. Jessica was never invited to play at any of their houses again. What is the theme of this passage?

What is you should always respect other people's property? 


This is the central idea of the passage....

Millions of acres of tropical rainforest have been destroyed. Many animals and people lose their homes when the rain forest is cut down. Today, people are destroying the forests so quickly that the animals are unable to adapt. Many of these animals, such as the leopard, need miles and miles of untouched rain forest in order to live. Furthermore, as more of the rainforest is destroyed, the risk of air pollution and loss of oxygen increases.

What is the destruction of the rain forest is harming humans and animals?


Identify the author's purpose 

Judy Glen's amazing Wrinkle Remover cream will make you look younger in thirty days or less. This remarkable cream has special ingredients to make your wrinkles disappear. The cost for a thirty day supply is $ 25.99. Send your check to P.O.Box 00002, Shelton, CA 74836 

What is to persuade? 


Identify the figurative language 

Stereo Hearts by Gym Class Heroes

My heart's a stereo

It beats for you, so listen close,

Hear my thoughts in every note

What is a metaphor? 


Determine the meaning of the underlined term using this type of context clue.... 

Old Mrs. Jenkins is a recluse, even though her husband is quite outgoing.

What is a hermit? What is an antonym context clue? 


Identify the rhetorical appeal: "My three decades of experience in public service, my tireless commitment to the people of this community, and my willingness to reach across the aisle and cooperate with the opposition, make me the ideal candidate for your mayor."

What is Ethos? 


Identify the theme from the passage: 

Derek's mother and father were billionaires. Derek always got everyting that he wanted. When Derek was three, his parents paid the cast of Sesame Street to come to his birthday party. In fifth grade, when Derek wanted to win the Science Fair, his parents paid a tutor to create an award-winning project. In tenth grade, when Derek wanted to be the best soccer player, his parents paid for David Beckham to privately train him. By the time Derek was an adult, he was bored and struggled to find anything meaningful to do. None of the things that he could buy with his money made him happy anymore.

What is money cannot buy happiness? 


This is the central idea of the passage! Thomas Edison’s life span is known as “The age of Edison.” If it wasn’t for Thomas Edison, we might not have electric lights, telephones, movie cameras, or computers! Think of all the ways these great products affect our lives today. Edison held over 1,000 patents and received dozens of awards during his lifetime for his inventions and contributions to science.

What is Thomas Edison's inventions still impact society today


Name the author's purpose! Do you want to be an artist? Just enroll in "The Awesome Artists" program. Don't let this opportunity or your talent slip away. We guarantee you will be painting like the masters in two weeks for a low cost of $59.95.

What is to persuade you to attend an art program?


Identify the figurative language AND P.O.V.

What about us by P!nk

We are searchlights

We can see in the dark

What is a metaphor? First person P.O.V. 


Determine the meaning of the underlined term using context. 

Mrs. Newton was suspicious when the boys offered to sweep her porch, but Mr. Newton was gullible enough to let them. 

What is trusting? 


Identify the rhetorical appeal

"The data is perfectly clear: this investment has consistently turned a profit year-over-year, even in spite of market declines in other areas."

What is logos? 


This is the main difference between theme and central idea....

What is theme is a universal message, whereas central idea is what the text is mainly about? 


A sentence from the paragraph that SUPPORTS the central idea that CATS HAVE A SMART WAY OF GETTING WHAT THEY WANT:

Most people want to think that they are in control of their pets. However, a study by Karen McComb at the University of Sussex found that cat owners are controlled by their cats. Cat owners probably won’t have too much trouble believing this. Cats make a fairly loud noise by mixing a purr with a cry. The sound seems to be less annoying to humans than straight meowing. Using this sound, cats tell humans when they want to eat and when they want the door opened. The purr part of the sound keeps humans from becoming too annoyed, so the cat gets exactly what he or she wants.

What is
"The purr part of the sound keeps humans from becoming too annoyed."


Most likely the author's purpose in this passage....

A tornado watch is different than a tornado warning. A tornado watch means that a tornado could develop so people should be ready just in case. But, a tornado warning means there is a tornado so people should take cover immediately.

What is to compare and contrast a tornado watch to a tornado warning?


Million Reasons by Lady Gaga

You're giving me a million

reasons to let you go

You're giving me a million

reasons to quit the show

What is a hyperbole? 


Determine the meaning of the underlined term. Identify the type of context clue. 

When Detective Winnie arrived at the scene, everything was in disarray. Tables were overturned, chairs were splintered, and broken dishes and food were scattered everywhere.

What is messy? What is an example context clue? 


Name the rhetorical appeal! 

"There’s no price that can be placed on peace of mind. Our advanced security systems will protect the well-being of your family so that you can sleep soundly at night."

What is pathos? 


List at least two themes from "Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief" 

What is answers may vary? 


In some instances, finding the central idea requires you to make inferences using the details given. Name the central idea.

These days, learning to quilt is not often passed down from one generation to the next. Some people, though, have taken a new interest in quilting. Many learn to quilt through books and classes. People are discovering what those from past generations knew—that quilting can be difficult but worth the effort.

What is quilting is becoming popular again?


Identify the author's purpose in the passage. 

What better way to spend a fall evening than in front of a crackling fire? As the sun sets, the light in the sky becomes neon yellow with an orange glow of flames. The smell of burning wood, the look of smoke, and the sound of crackling fire calms you down and warms you up.

What is to describe a bonfire using details/imagery? 



Thriller by Michael Jackson

You try to scream

But terror takes the sound before you make it

What is personification? 


This type of context clue is used in the following passage: 

Buster is Dee’s new puppy. He is also Dee’s new problem. Buster is very loving, but he isn’t so good at learning. When Dee calls the puppy, Buster comes bounding over the gate and through Dad’s garden. Dirt flies and plants get crushed. “He’s not supposed to jump over the fence!” yells Dad. Dee is thinking about taking Buster to dog school.

What is a definition context clue? 

Using all three rhetorical appeals, quickly convince an audience that sixth graders should stay away from TikTok/Discord/Roblox/etc. 

Answers may vary. Must cover Ethos (credibility/trust) Pathos (emotion) and Logos (logic/evidence/facts)


Identify the THEME and TONE of the passage

Ambition Over Adversity by Tupac Shakur
Take one's adversity
Learn from their misfortune
Learn from their pain
Believe in something
Believe in yourself
Turn adversity into ambition
Now blossom into wealth

What is learn from mistakes and turn them into success? What is a tone of encouragement? 
